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The Larger Historical Setting of the SSA

Essay Instructions:

The topic should be on a continuation from milestone one order # 00047418 please very please include a thesis description .

the topic is about a new deal and the social security act

here a videos of assigment https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=WllITSe_ACg



Overview: In the first milestone for the final project, you established the three starting points that you are going to investigate for your final paper. You

identified the cause of the event, when the event started and finished, and the major figures involved in the event. For this milestone, you will be asked to

research the surrounding context of the event. In other words, you must understand the trends surrounding the event and the relationship between the trends

and the event. Trends can be the policies that the event has gone against, the political turmoil caused by the event, or the cultural issues.

Note: In the earlier tasks in this module, you discovered the historical trends and supported them with scholarly sources. In this milestone, you will now combine

that information and explain how these surrounding trends impact and relate to your historical event.

Remember, the sources you are using should come only from the provided list to ensure that they are scholarly and essential to the time period.

Prompt: Explain the significance of the major trends of the time period and explain how those trends relate to or impact your chosen historical event. In other

words, why were the trends that defined this historical age important, and what is the relationship between those trends and the event?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Establish the Context: In this section, you will write multiple paragraphs using information from the course regarding the time period in which your

historical event took place. You will use this section to set the stage for your argument. This section of your essay must include the following:

A. Illustrate the larger historical setting.

1. Identify major trends relevant to your chosen historical event.

2. Explain the significance of the major trends of the time period, connecting the trends to your chosen historical event. In other words,

why were the trends that defined this historical age important, and what is the relationship between those trends and the event?

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,

one-inch margins, and at least one primary and one secondary source from the provided list cited in APA or

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
4-3 Final Project Milestone Two: Larger Historical Context
In July of 1932 following the greatest economic crisis that hit the American economy, Franklin D. Roosevelt designed relief and recovery programs under the Social Security Act that was primarily geared towards assisting the unemployed and the poor and to revive the economy after poverty that resulted from the Great Depression (McKenna, 2002). Given this, the Federal Government under the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt needed to provide the general public with social welfare that would protect them, an aspect that posits the intent of this paper that seeks to disclose the historicity of the events that transpired during this period and the manner in which these trends connect with the established historical context.
The Larger Historical Setting of the SSA
In October 1929, the American stock market witnessed a crash that resulted at the beginning of the Great Depression. During this period, unemployment grew from 4 million to 7 million between January and December. President Herbert in an attempt to find solutions to this problem appointed the Presidents Emergency Committee for Employment with the aim of stimulating the state's local relief with no funds provided for the committee. Congress then took the opportunity to authorize the release of government surplus in 1932 such as wheat and cotton for relief purposes an aspect that was followed by the passing of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act that provided funding in helping state and local governments enhance their relief efforts (Price V. Fishback, the New Deal 1933-1939).
According to Stoesz (2016), Franklin D. Roosevelt was then elected as president in November 1932, an aspect that was followed by the failure of the banks. The rates of unemployment rose in the state by 25%, with Congress called to pass the Emergency Banking Act in 1933. Congress continued to pass relief and reform legislations that include the Securities Exchange Act that enabled the regulations on the sale of securities and the National Housing Act that provided insurance for loans that were required in building and repairing homes. In 1934, Roosevelt in response to the problems of urbanization and industrialization passed the SSA into law.
Trends Relevant to the Hist...
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