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HIST 319 Assignment: The Battle Of The Fat And The Thin

Essay Instructions:

readings : Tyler Stovall, Transnational France: The Modern History of a Universal Nation (2015) (from page 1-105)
Emile Zola, The Belly of Paris (1873, trans. Mark Kurlansky) (chapters 1-2)
essay instructions: Critical Reading Analysis of Emile Zola’s The Belly of Paris
LENGTH: 3-4 double-spaced, typewritten pages in Times New Roman (12 pt.) with standard margins. Essays that are not a minimum of 3 complete pages will automatically receive a failing grade.)
In both its content and form, Zola’s novel is an extraordinary primary source for the study of nineteenth-century France in general and the Second Empire in particular. Using the reading notes that you have completed as your foundation, write a critical analysis of The Belly of Paris focused on one of the following themes:
The role of women and gender
The “Battle of the Fat and the Thin”
Political ideas and resistance
Building a central argument regarding your chosen theme, your essay should draw directly on the novel as a historical source, citing passages from the text appropriately as needed. You may also wish to consider Zola’s characterizations in relationship to the broader context offered by our course lectures and Tyler Stovall’s Transnational France.

CITATION AND FORM: You may use either footnotes or endnotes for this assignment. Be sure to follow the appropriate citation format outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition). No additional bibliography is required for this essay, provided that you include full citations the first time that you cite a source. Essays should draw on the Zola novel and Stovall textbook alone.

Please place the following in the Header section of your essay in the top left hand corner rather than in the body of your essay:


HIST 319

Critical Analysis #1


Please also remember to include page numbers in your final submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thamer Almaary
HIST 319
Critical analysis 1
February 1st 2017
The battle of the fat and the thin
During the reign of Empire Napoleon III, there were renewed development efforts in France; the construction of Les Halles, a central market in Paris, generated mixed feelings to Florent who narrates about social justice he witnessed in France. The Belly of Paris, written by Emile Zola, in 1873 portrays the changing social, political and economic processes that shaped the...
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