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American History: The Gilded Age as Interpreted by Carnegie

Essay Instructions:

Please include a title of your paper, name, and date.

This paper is based primarily on:
Henretta, ed. Chapter 17: The Gilded Age: Building a Technological and Industrial Giant and a New Social Order
Sheets, Sources for America’s History,
17.1 “Industrialist Justifies Fortunes Used for the Common Good (Andrew Carnegie, Wealth, 1899)

Do not use outside online sources or texts!

Topic Prompt:
What argument does Carnegie make about the uses to which the great fortunes of industrialists should be devoted? What factors might have motivated Carnegie to write his essay on wealth, and for whom do you think he wrote it? What inferences can you draw about the social and political context during which Carnegie wrote, which may have inspired his essay?

Consider the question. Read the entire chapter and the document carefully. Take notes as you read.
Look at the timeline on 506 of your book for clues on the social and political context during which Carnegie wrote.
Make sure that you answer fully each question in the essay prompt.
Your opening paragraph should have a thesis statement. A thesis statement articulates the argument that you will advance throughout the essay.

James A. Henretta et al. America’s History. Vol. 2 Since 1856 8th Edition. New York: Bedford St. Martin’s Press, 2016.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American History – The Gilded age
Your Name
February 5, 2017
Your Institution of Affiliation
What argument does Carnegie make about the uses to which the great fortunes of industrialists should be devoted?
In his article, Carnegie (1899) pointed out that wealth should be projected or devoted towards the achievement of the ‘common good’. In this picture the industrialist is seen as the “manager of wealth” for the benefit of everyone and the whole society. More particularly, this view of his is exemplified and distinguished by the three modes of ‘disposing wealth’. According to him, the three modes include: (1) bequeathing one’s wealth to his sons or daughters, (2) giving it for public use, and (3) administering it through one’s lifetime. According to him, administering one’s wealth is the best mode for the betterment of the society and the common good, such as building public transportation, innovations, and improvement of one’s life. And thus, this is where Carnegie believe that great fortunes should be devoted.
What factors might have motivated Carnegie to write his essay on wealth, and for whom do you think he wrote it?
Based on the article, it is apparent that Carnegie wrote this...
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