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Issues Social Security Act of 1935 Addressed and Overlooked

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The Social Security Act of 1935 provided the federal government with a proper means of dealing with the great depression. With inflation at critical level, rising poverty and unemployment, the designing of a policy that addressed these issues was paramount. This study though seeks to identify the issues that the policy address and those overlooked.
Thesis Statement: the SSA was an avenue for the United States to introduce social policies that cared for the less able members of the society, provide retirement benefits for the working population, and help those highly affected by the great depression to recover economically.
CLAIM A: the SSA enabled the U.S.A. adopt a social policy that catered for the affairs of workers at old age.
Supporting evidence: before the Great Depression, the United States lacked a national social welfare policy that catered for the needs of the government workers at old age (Amenta et al. 1998). This is evident in the SSA where the policy for the first time provided guidelines on how the aged shall receive benefits. The government and every other employer were to support employees in contributing to their retirement benefit plans where the employer will remit half of the money requirement from employees per month (History Matters). A shareholder of Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston once brought a lawsuit against the company requiring it not to support the workers retirement benefits plan, which the Supreme Court refuted as a voluntary exercised required by the government from all employees (Cornell.edu). The policy made it imperative for every employer of a worker in a long-term contract and permanent job to participate fully in the exercise by remitting monthly contributions. The contributions would increase depending on the wages of the employee and the economic conditions.
CLAIM: the implementation of the SSA aimed at encouraging old age assistance at state level.
Supporting evidence: old age assistance was a new policy in 1935 and the federal government wanted to devolve its role by granting the states responsibility over the issues and gathering support from the private sector. The ...
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