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The is for an American government class History Essay

Essay Instructions:

hi, you don't need to put this in an essay format because it is just a response.

The "I" word, "impeachment," has developed an almost mythical legend as to what it can do and what it means, when in fact it has a unique history and a very specific set of parameters.

In a 500-550 word response, briefly describe WHAT you think people considered impeachment to be versus what it ACTUALLY is, and why you think there's a disconnect, if any.

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The Impeachment Process Vs. What It Is
Impeachment is a process where a public servant is investigated and eventually removed or prohibited from holding any future public office (Yankwich 849). Article 2, section 4 of the American constitution stipulates that the presidency, which includes the head of state and his deputy, all civil servants of the federal government of the United States, can be subjected to impeachment or removal from office if alleged of either committing treason, bribery other related extraordinary crimes or misdemeanors. The process is almost similar around the globe. This essay explores the actual meaning of impeachment, finds what people think it is and elaborates on any deviations between the two standpoints.
This pertinent role or delegated power of impeaching federal officers lies solely with the United States Congress. It is then subjected after the House of Representatives, charged with the duty and responsibility of filling and investigating these impeachment charges. On the other side, the Senate performs this function by acting as a court by sitting and hearing these impeachment trials. Mostly, the verdict will be either acquittal, removal from office, or in other cases, both (Thomas 387). In the history of the United States, there have been approximately sixty impeachment proceedings with twenty individuals’ success rates since 1789. This includes the impeachment of slightly over a dozen judges, three heads of state, one senator, and one cabinet minister. Succeeding these were the senate trials resulting in over eight convictions, eight acquittals, three dismissals, and public officers’ resignations.
Case in a point in President Donald Trump’s current impeachment process, t...
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