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The 1950s Woman

Essay Instructions:

Unit VI Essay The list below includes provocative discussions related to the events in the unit’s reading. You will choose one and write a 500 word minimum essay in which you will take a first-person perspective of the situation, describe the debate in your own words, and provide a justified and academically defended argument for one side or the other. The essay will need to reflect your understanding of the time to avoid being anachronistic, and to demonstrate that your argument is appropriate for that time. As a woman in the 1950s, how would you feel about the stereotype of the wife and mother on popular television shows? Having been a multi-season Brooklyn Dodgers ticket holder in 1947, would you actively cheer for Jackie Robinson? HY 1120, American History II 5 As a parent to male teenagers, what is your perspective of the Korean conflict? As a World War 2 veteran, what are your thoughts about either the Truman Doctrine or Containment? As a high level politician in the know, do you feel the American public deserves to be told about NSC 68? As this is a point of view essay, a modern perspective will not accurately address what the question is asking for. It is strongly suggested that at least one selection from the provided source book is used as research of the event and views of the time. All sources and their use must be appropriately identified per 6th edition APA format. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

CSU Grading Rubrics for Papers/Projects, Discussion Boards, and Assessments The Learning Resource area of the myCSU Student Portal provides the rubrics, and information on how to use them, for Discussion Boards, written response questions in Unit Assessments, and Research Papers/Projects. The course writing assignments will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of writing assignments, unless otherwise specified within assignment instructions. In addition, all papers will be submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism. Course projects will contain project specific grading criteria defined in the project directions. To view the rubrics, click the Academic Policies link on the Course Menu, or access it through the CSU Grading Rubric link found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

TOPIC: Essay 6
The 1950s woman was a traditional woman. She assumed the repressive role defined by the much-reserved society. The society did not favor radicalization of the female gender and were considered to be dependent on the male sex. This was an infringement of the fundamental human rights and freedom defined in most legislations or accords. The perfect mother was expected to stay at home and look after the children and other household chores while the father was to provide for the families. Women were portrayed to be in distress who needed care and protection from their male counterparts. In the 1950s, the fact that a woman could have attended a college was inept and unheard of CITATION Har12 \l 1033 (Hardy, 2012). The very best was reserved for the male counterparts while the perfect woman or mother was the submissive, dependent type.As a parent of male teenagers, the Korean conflict inflicted more harm than good to the adolescent teenagers at the time. It re-oriented their ethnic identity and perspective at the time. Ethnic identity and communication are majorly influenced by the kind of environment one grows in or is surrounded with. The Korean immigrants tended to neglect their original culture and tradition for the culture of the host environment. This conflict of culture and interests helped re-orient much of the male teenagers as their parents were still stuck in the traditional Korean ways while the teenagers themselves are continually being assimilated by the host culture.As a World War II veteran, the Truman doctrine or containment was a Cold War tactic applied by the United States as a way to stay relevant. The doctrine refutes arguments put forth by the communist. It states:"World C...
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