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Stacey Smith's Arguments on the Ways Labor and Citizenship was Racialized in California

Essay Instructions:


Analyze John Gast’s American Progress (1872) and tell me what themes from lecture are captured or obscured in this painting. How do we see elements of Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis here? Who is excluded in this image? Incorporate a discussion of at least two assigned readings and provide at least two examples. Include parenthetical citations.

• What does Stacy Smith argue about the ways labor and citizenship was racialized in California? How does her work offer an extended analysis of themes from lecture? Provide at least two examples from the text. Include parenthetical citations.

• How did the land acts and the railroad shape the concept of the American Dream in the 19th century? How did the American Dream fall short for Americans and immigrants to America in the late-19th century? Use at least two assigned readings and provide two examples from the texts. Include parenthetical citations.

• For up to 3 points of extra credit write a third response that answers: How did the documentary Gold Mountain Dreams expand on the themes of the lecture and the other assigned sources readings? You can address ideas about California, the American West, and the experience of Chinese immigrants/Chinese Americans. Provide at least two clear examples. Include parenthetical citations.

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Lesson 2
What does Stacy Smith argue about the ways labor and citizenship was racialized in California? How does her work offer an extended analysis of themes from lecture? Provide at least two examples from the text. Include parenthetical citations.
Stacy Smith argues that labor and citizenship were racialized in California. They were deeply inflected by gender, race, skin color, culture, and citizenship. In particular, Anglo legislators argued whether black and Chinese workers were degraded sales or free men. A distinctive frontier was found in California due to gold discoveries that had sent many miners to the region (Turner, 1893). The primary reason that citizenship and labor were racialized was to control employees who worked under harsh conditions. Stacy’s work provides an extended analysis of the themes of inequality, racism, and slavery. The slaveholders from the South facilitated cooperation with the Western States (Turner, 1893). African American and Chinese workers provided cheap labor, and plantation owners controlled them by ensuring that they did not get citizenship. As a result, they were discriminated against by others due to their racial and cultural differences and confined to forced labor.
How did the land acts and the railroad shape the concept of the American Dream in the 19th century? How did the American Dream fall shor...
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