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Galateo by Giovanni Della Casa and On Right Pleasure and Good Health by Bartolomeo Sacchi

Essay Instructions:

Part A. Choose two (2) of the following topics and write two (2) essays of at least 200 words each. Make sure you include your personal comments, please.

In his seminal book On Right Pleasure and Good Health, the humanist Platina (Bartolomeo Sacchi) talks about the ethics and the esthetics of food. Analyze the basic ideas of the book, its importance, and its novelty. Please add your personal comments.

The text Galateo by Giovanni Della Casa became very famous as it was published and was translated into many languages. Talk about the content of the book and the reasons for its success. Please add your personal comments.

In Luigi Pirandello's story "Sicilian Limes", this fruit has a pivotal role. Discuss the plot, the symbolic value of the gift, and the ending of the story. Please add your personal comments.

Food is present all through the book The Adventures of Pinocchio and marks his evolution from puppet to young boy. After briefly introducing the author of the book, please analyze the most important foods present in the story and show how they reveal Pinocchio's growth and transformation. Please add your personal comments.

Part B. Chose two (2) of the following items and write a paragraph each (60 words minimum)

The Diaries of Marin Sanudo


The Bethrothed

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Choose Topic Assignment
“Galateo” by Giovanni Della Casa
The Galateo text provided by Giovanni Della Casa tried to create rules and directions for 16th-century Italy's newcomers. Specifically, Della Casa's text mainly focuses on addressing appropriate conversations, dress code, literary language, hairstyles, eating behavior, and off-color jokes. The reading advises on whatever conduct is appropriate for the people. After its publication, the text spread quickly among people like Castiglione's Courtier masterpiece. Reflecting on what Castiglione promoted for court conduct and what Machiavelli did to encourage political habits, Galateo's author provides a refined man's image observed in an area where offensiveness and embarrassment dominate. The book motivates a savoir-faire manual or courteous principles. It is a relevant consideration for the law or rules, conformity, perfection, and, most importantly, an infuriated response to the various approaches in which individuals fool themselves in daily social circumstances (Eisenbichier & Bartlett, 1994). Considering today's rising interest in polite behavior and appropriate etiquette in society, it is the right time for every person across communities to read this book's definitive edition and apply every concept or insight derived from the book in real-life situations.
This book is increasingly successful primarily because it concentrates on humans' interactions within the planet, including how these people behave and are perceived. It is a complete guide for people to embrace the expected behavior and conduct within society. According to Della Casa, a man should not be satisfied with performing better things but should as well acknowledge how to do these things elegantly. He recommends that grace is a luster that, in turn, excels in the suitability of things that are appropriately ordered and well-organized. In my opinion, the entire book's content is appealing, informative, and purposeful for every person within the polite and civilized community context. This is also a gift for vulgar individuals, insensitive dinner visitors, or any person requiring a proper societal conduct reminder.
"On Right Pleasure and Good Health" by Bartolomeo Sacchi
Bartolomeo Sacchi's intention for writing the seminal book included attempting to provide any reader or the target audience a critical way to progressively increase pleasure by maintaining health and artistic concerns in utmost balance, an aspect that human beings support insincerely hence not achieving the health goals that Platina expects a typical human to be involved with. Platina explains significant topics that people should observe. These include critical table setting, required motion and rest, sleep, the wholesome fre...
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