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Spread of Private and State Emancipation in Northern States

Essay Instructions:

Although there are 16 resources available for you, many are PPTs that can help you understand the general content of my study. Please write in conjunction with other articles I have provided and select at least 7 resources to reference. Please do not use online resources, only the resources I have provided to you. The following are the professor's homework requirements:

Please answer two of the following questions in organized, formal, analytical essays, of at least 800 words each, that you submit together as one file. I do not want you to simply list out page after page of facts and quotes. If you do that, you will not earn a high score, because you will have written a report. You need to think about these questions, draw on what we have covered, and provide convincing answers, backed up with evidence and specific examples, and cited. No citations means no passing grade.

This exam is about showing that you can think about some of the big ideas of the course so far, and deliver original thoughts. You have a while to write these, so I expect them to be well-written. Grammar and mechanics will be part of your grade.

As far as sources go, while I obviously cannot prevent you from googling your way into oblivion, keep in mind that the examples and specifics you provide have to be found in some combination of the textbook, lectures, and primary source documents we have covered, just like your papers. If you’re writing about things that you just found somewhere, that is not going to work. These are not research papers, so please, do not use outside sources – they are prohibited. These essays will go through TurnItIn, so do not bother trying to copy

Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report i

1. What led to the spread of private and state emancipation in northern states, and why were these changes limited to this region of the country?

2. What do land rioters and the Regulator movement tell us about land, class and power in colonial America?

3. While we know that slavery will become the central political question in this country by 1860, if we look back, we can already see the beginnings of this division in the late 18th century and certainly by the 1830s. What are some instances of slavery splitting the country along political, economic and geographical lines, and what were the solutions attempted?

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What led to the spread of private and state emancipation in northern states, and why were these changes limited to this region of the country?
The spread of private and state emancipation in northern states was because of religious opposition to the institution of slavery, economic changes, and political factors. Religious groups, especially the Evangelicals were critical in advocating for resistance and rebellion (Part Two: Free Labor and Slavery, Pg. 304). As slavery grew and spread to more areas, African Americans looked for new sources of support. The Evangelical church offered an arena where more harmonious relations between the races could develop. However, as white churches became deeper in sustaining slavery, more Blacks embraced Evangelical Protestant beliefs (Part Two: Free Labor and Slavery, Pg. 304). In particular, all black congregations played a major role in resisting white domination. These congregations considered slavery as a sin and worked towards promoting abolitionist ideas (Chapter 6: The Consolidation of Slavery in the South, Pg. 307). With the reliance on African American forms of evangelical Protestantism, slaves, and free blacks were free to formulate their standards of behavior.
Additionally, economic changes occurred in the northern states, accelerating emancipation. Industrialization grew at a higher rate in the North. The industries were providing wage labor for workers. Industrialization meant that more workers were needed to work in the industries. At the same time, small-scale farming was declining, meaning that slavery was no longer needed on a large scale. The shift from overreliance on agriculture to industrialization meant that slave labor was not needed on large scale. Instead, African Americans became wage laborers. Consequently, the northern states started phasing out slavery, since it was no longer the backbone of their economies. During this time, working people started to act together to defend the principles of equality. They took measures aimed at making their working conditions better. For instance, workers organized labor unions where through which their grievances could be addressed. Through the labor unions, workers secured better pay or working hours (Part Two: Free Labor and Slavery, 342). The unionization of workers was instrumental in ensuring that northern states worked towards liberating themselves from the shackles of slavery. Overall, given the shift to industrialization in the northern region, slavery started losing ground in the northern states.
In essence, the spread of emancipation in the North was limited to the region because of the economic dependence o...
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