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Anthony Johnson Bibliography

Essay Instructions:

The assignment for Essay #2 is that you write a short biography of a person who lived and worked in the United States between 1618 and 1865, explaining how and why the message of the person’s life that you have selected provides testimony witnessing the injustices confronting workers of his or her or their historical period. You may not select a famous leader but must describe a person who was a worker in a particular occupation, industry or social movement that gave meaning to work and workers’ destiny in history. Answering this question means looking beyond what a person has said or not said about their life. The challenge is to examine the message that you discern in actions, decisions, what the person experienced and/or what the person suffered and/or tried to change. However, in the framework of this question, the person selected has to come out being big. More important – and more within reach – is that the student find some charming meaning in the figure. The student may be asked, more flexibly, to consider that person’s struggle. For example: what forces did the selected person have to contend with, and how did this person then figure out what to do, for good or ill?

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Anthony Johnson Bibliography
Anthony Johnson
The development of slavery in the United States is complex. Interestingly, Antony Johnson was enslaved by an English Settler after he was brought to North America. During the 17th century in Virginia, a black man, Anthony Johnson, accomplished the rare feat of gaining freedom from slavery and becoming a landowner. However, his situation was complicated by the time's social, economic, and political climate, which subjected him to discrimination and racism despite his achievements. Ultimately, he was forced off his land and back into servitude. Johnson's story is significant because it highlights the complex and harsh realities faced by black people during early American history and the challenges they had to overcome to attain any degree of freedom or agency. When Anthony Johnson was brought to the United States, his status depended on Virginia society which was more into religion and the kind of property one owned. For some time in the 17th century, individuals like Antony Johnson could acquire freedom and land. However, by the end of this century, colonies began to make legal distinctions based on racial categories. This means that the legal status of black people declined even for those who had attained their freedom, like Antony Johnson. For example, if someone was identified as black, properties were taken. As a result, a system of slavery developed and was based solely on race. These colonies were established at the beginning of the 18th century. By examining Johnson's life, we can gain insight into workers' struggles in similar positions and how they navigated the often unjust and challenging systems that governed their lives.
Step 2
Here are five sources that may speak to Anthony Johnson's predicament:
"The Life of Anthony Johnson" by Charles Johnson provides a detailed account of Anthony Johnson's life, including his journey from slavery to freedom and his success as a landowner. It offers insights into African Americans' challenges and opportunities during the colonial period.
"White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812" by Winthrop D. Jordan - This book discusses the origins and development of racial attitudes in America, which sheds light on the social and cultural context in which Anthony Johnson lived. In this book, the author tries to examine which between slavery and racism existed first. To determine this, Jordan examines English culture from the 16th century. The author concludes that particular aspects of cultural ideas about human bondage derive from attitudes toward blackness and heathenism.
"The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano" by Olaudah Equiano - This autobiography provides a firsthand account of the slave trade and slavery in the colonial period, which helps to contextualize Anthony Johnson's experience as an enslaved person and later as a free man.
"The Souls of Black Folk" by W.E.B. Du Bois examines African Americans' social and economic conditions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It offers a broader perspective on the challenges Anthony Johnson and other black Americans faced in their struggle for equality and justice. The author's main argument in this book is that the struggle for equality and justice depends on the higher education of black people and the emergence of black educators. Apart from highlighting the challenges Anthony Johnson faced, the author has also proposed actions people can take to end modern-day slavery that is still existing.
"The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism" by Edward E. Baptist - This book explores the economic foundations of American slavery and its central role in developing ca...
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