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The Spectacles of Entertainment in Ancient Rome

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the following questions for a 600-800 word, double-spaced essay.

[Writer can choose a topic for me.]

1. Examine spectacles and society in ancient Rome. What were the main forms of popular entertainment performed at venues like the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum? What would a day at the games be like? What do we know about the performers and their social backgrounds and standing? What evidence is there for the experiences of audiences at these popular public events? How are these spectacles both celebrated and criticized by ancient Romans? (ARD pp. 329-358, sel. 377-401 has ample material to consider for this question)

**The following questions are creative historical exercises, you do not need to provide citations, but your ‘answer’ should be informed by historical and cultural details you have learned.

2. Alternate history: How might the world be different today if Antony and Cleopatra defeated Augustus at the Battle of Actium? Augustus’ victory at Actium consolidated his power and set the stage for Imperial Rome, which in turn had immense influence on later world history: cultural customs, political institutions, and even languages spoken throughout the world today. What if this never happened? What if power had shifted to Egypt in 31 BCE? Explore the possibilities of this alternate history in detail.

3. Historical fiction: In print and cinema, the world of ancient Rome continues to have a rich afterlife through historical fiction. The most successful and entertaining historical fiction uses accurate details from the ancient world to reimagine ancient lives. For this question, use this bracelet excavated in Pompeii that reads "from master to slave-girl" to construct a historically plausible story behind this bracelet and its original owner. This person can be entirely a product of your imagination, but you'll want to craft your story using your knowledge of ancient Roman culture and real historical details from Pompeii.

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Analysis of Spectacles Entertainment in Ancient Rome
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Analysis of Spectacles Entertainment in Ancient Rome
Examine spectacles and society in ancient Rome
Spectacles in Ancient Rome was form entertainment to the citizens and was characterized by practice such as gladiatorial combats, animal fight, and bloodshed. The purpose of the spectacle was to create entertainment for the Roman citizen, foster good interaction between rulers such as emperors and their subjects, punish lawbreakers, invoke fear in the citizen against evil practices, and maintain social order in the society. For example, the upper class used the spectacles games in Rome's social stratification to prove their power and authority to the audience. The societal in ancient Rome constituted people who watched the spectacles' entertainment presentations (Trueman, 2015). The Rome society included high class and lower class of people. The high class formed emperors and kings who perform different games to show their power. In contrast, the lower-class constituted ordinary citizens who came to watch and felt worthy of Rome citizens.
What was the form of entertainment performed at venues like Circus Maximus and Colosseum?
The Colosseum theatres hosted entertainment events such as the human blood battles from different fighters and wild animal fights such as lions, elephants, bears, and buffaloes. The fight could lead to death and injuries among the participants. The Colosseum was round- structured in shape. These theatres were covered with massive canopy during the summer season to protect the spectators against direct sunlight when watching different games (Kyle, 2014). The Rome Colosseum was able to hold more than fifty thousand audiences during the entertainment days. The most popular entertainment in the Colosseum involved human beings' fights, who mostly constituted slave captives and prisoners of the war who fought blood fights. In Rome, this fight was perceived as a form of entertainment that could bring various people together and foster their royalties to their leaders. The wild animals were kept in the cage in the Colosseum, ready for the fight to entertain citizens. The wild animal fight formed the secondary type of show. The wild animals were nicknamed by their owners and acquired fame and prestige depending on their fighting techniques (Trueman, 2015). In the Circus Maximus, chariots races were held there in Rome. The chariot races involved a maximum number of twelve chariots which were organized into four distinct factions such as white, blue, red, and green race colors during spot day (Trueman, 2015). More interesting, the chariot races required special technical skills among charioteers, and whoever emerged as the winner was rewarded heavily. Poetry was also recited in the Circus Maximus venues.
What would a day at the game be like?

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