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Role of Fossil Fuels in the Industrial Revolution

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Discuss the role of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum) in history since the Industrial Revolution. Consider politics and society as well as economics and technology.

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Discuss the role of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum) in history since the Industrial Revolution. Consider politics and society as well as economics and technology.
Fossil is the remaining plants or animals embedded on the rock for an extended period and preserved in fossilized form. Fossil fuel comes from the remains of living organisms. The fossils remain overtimes accumulate, decompose, and form the fuels like petroleum, coal, and gas.
Fossil Fuel is the source of energy in the whole world. People to extra the fuels, engineers in the world have to extract the fuel from the ground. It is extracted as crude oil and processed to get petroleum, coal, and gas. The history of the drilling of fossil fuels is as previous as that of human civilization. The past uses of fossil fuels cannot compare to today's exploration, extraction, processing, and commercialism industries within the three primary fossil fuels - oil, fossil fuel, and coal. The combination of the three fuels accounts for the bulk of the world's energy used currently. In the past, the employment of fossil fuels was not allowed because of a lack of information and technology. However, civilizations tried and, to some extent, managed to form the foremost of the fuel resources they might extract and use in their everyday lives.
In the early days, civilizations were at a loss by fossil fuel. Before getting to know what fossil fuel was, They believe in supernatural power brought about fossil fuels. For example, lightning stuck and kindled fossil fuel that had seeped through the earth's crust to the surface. Archaeological recently found in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland recommend that coal be more powerful than wood. The Romans even took some coal back with them to Rome ( Smil,2018).
In the thirteenth century, the Chinesedelineated coal. Europe's fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Associate of Nursing had more need to use coal due to their increased demand for heating, chimneys were invented, which were products of firebricks. During the Industrial Revolution, the External combustion engine was among the first invention. In this era, they started producing production, machines, and factories that, combined, ushered the society into the fashionable era. The external combustion engine created by the discoverer became the biggest driver of the commercial Revolution. Coal was used to power the external combustion engine. Coal replaced water and, to a certain degree, was used to supply power to drive. That was the essential supply of power before the commercial Revolution. With coal and steam engines, powered machines, industrial activity began as created production attainable.
The Industrial Revolution improved the traveling method used by humans to move from one place to another. Individuals used very powerful boiler on ships and trains that burned coal to power. Those became the most suggests that of transportation. In the half of the nineteenth century, the commercial revolution reached the United States. Many coal mines began in operation within the United States Coal began to switch wood as a supply for heat. Coal gave off far more energy than wood and since it was easier to move. Coal consumption was steadily growing and outpacing the utilization of wood for energy.
Technology-wise during the war, factories began to creating weapons used in war by coal, which is luxuriant within the United States. Coke already exchanges charcoal in the late nineteenth century because it was used to fuel steel-making furnaces. Coal was initially used for electricity generation within the United States within the Eighties. Zero-point five a century later, by the first Sixties, coal had already become the predominant energy supply of United States electricity generation. We have so many factories running smoothly with electricity since co-depend on electricity to run the example, metal modeling industries.
The political industrial revolution has played one main political benefit. It has led to global power. Meaning countries extracting their fossil fuel are more powerful compared to the others. They run the other counties since they provide and control the source of energy. These countries have the upper hand in trade and also the military and trade power.
Economically as we have seen above on industrial Revolution, with energy, you have the power hence increase the bargaining power of the continent of counties' money. The currency exchange rate increases for the country due to the fossil fuel produced in that country. Economically the countries with fossil fuels have more willpower, and technologically, they grow fa...
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