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Voting by Mail: Is There Fraud?

Essay Instructions:

DISCUSSION: Voting by Mail: Is There Fraud? (Fitton vs. Weiser/Ekeh) (4/25 - 5/01)

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No one would argue that there is NO voter fraud that occurs in elections. The debate, then, is over whether such fraud is minimal or widespread. This issue has taken on particular importance because President Trump (with ZERO evidence) has claimed that the 2020 election was rigged - and he blames mail-in ballots for his loss. (It's worth noting, by the way, that President Trump also votes by mail).

So what exactly is this debate over mail-in ballots? To answer that question you need to do the online readings assigned for this week. What argument does Tom Fitton put forward? How about Wendy Weiser and Harold Ekeh of the Brennan Center for Justice? Which of these two articles do you agree with more and why?

The Nitty-Gritty Specifics

FIRST, in no less than a full paragraph (5-7 sentences), address one or more of the questions above.

SECOND, you must respond to at least one of your classmates in a thoughtful paragraph (4-5 sentences).

Student response :

"The debate over mail-in-ballots has primarily to do with fraud. Weiser and Ekeh argue that fraud concerns regarding mail in ballots are overblown. According to their article, the rate of fraud in mail in ballots is less than 0.01%. Mail in ballot frauds are prevented by measures such as identity verification, barcodes, ballot tracking and secure drop boxes. On the other hand Tom Fitton argues that there is a large risk for fraud in mail in ballots. He makes the point that states and cities have yet to update their registration rolls. Over a million inactive voters in Los Angeles still receive mail in ballots, which raises concerns of fraud. Ballots from people that no longer live in these states or people that are deceased are still able to cast a vote if used fraudulently. From these two articles, I agree with Weiser and Ekeh. Mail in ballots have in use for a long time and there has been little to no evidence of widespread fraud. While Fitton's concerns are valid, the problem he points out has more to do with the incompetencies of state and local governments rather than mail in ballots themselves"

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Thanks for your response to the fraud in mailbox balloting. The student has clearly outlined what Fitton and Weiser, and Ekeh put forward about the fraud situation....
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