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Slavery: History and Biblical Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

State how a Christian worldview would help with the study of slavery. Be careful not to focus on just American slavery. Rather, use details from the ancient world to support your claims and look at this subject historically.

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History of Servitude
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History of Servitude Introduction Obedience is defined as compliance to particular life perspectives, be it an order, law, or a simple request. To be obedient, an individual must submit to another authority, a virtue hugely encouraged in the bible. Obedience to a superior authority is influenced by religion, family relationships, and workplace hierarchies. However, this social behavior can be manipulated through coercion with torture and slavery as evidence. This essay will focus on slavery, its history, and biblical perspectives. The bible is a huge advocate of servitude to God and other men with the condition that servants are regarded as part of the community. For the Hebrews, slavery was considered a temporary refuge for poverty-stricken individuals or encouragement of voluntary acts. The experience of slavery in Egypt and hard-fought freedom significantly impacted Israel's ethical and religious foundation. Enslaved people among the Hebrews were protected, with enslaved women groomed to be wives to the sons of the families; for instance, Deuteronomy 15:12-15 talks of Hebrew men and women selling themselves for six years with a mandatory release in the seventh. It also encourages the owners to send them off liberally from one's flock, threshing floor, and winepress. Religion creates an attachment between individuals and their familiar God, making people obedient to a common faith. According to Karl Marx, religion is opium that drags people into accepting poor conditions with little pushback. The British French sought to administer Christianity to their colonies, consequently getting rid of other faiths. However, detachment from religion and culture is not the only reason the African's caved into years of slavery before their independence fight. The history of slavery occurs in an era where people lacked any concept of human rights. Ens...
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