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Asian American Microaggressions in the US

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Asian Hate
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Asian Hate
Racism sometimes occurs in subtle forms. However, it has lasting negative effects on the lives of those on its receiving end, microaggression is a form of racism defined as the daily subtle intentional or unintentional behaviors that communicate some form of partiality toward historically relegated groups. In most instances, people engaging in it are unaware. Microaggressions against Asian Americans remain in the US after the pandemic, leaving unproductive effects on the victims.
Asian American Microaggressions in the US
The US microaggression towards Asian individuals progresses even after the pandemic. The Covid-19 virus resulted in many negative social, economic, and political impacts. On its social effects in the US, national harassment based on race and ethnic backgrounds rose significantly, especially against Asian-Americans. According to Pew Research.org, 45% of Asian adults confirm experiencing at least one racial-based offensive incident since the beginning of corona in the US (Ruiz et al., 2021). However, people grew accustomed to the virus and accepted its inevitable effects on their daily activities, attacks on the Asian-Americans progressed many months later. A Pew survey with Asian respondents sheds light on different reasons for the continued racial harassment. Some cited former president Donald Trump’s rhetoric about China as the source of the covid-19 virus and his racist statements labeling it ‘Chinese Flu.’ Others claim that racial criticism existed in the country before the pandemic. Besides, some Americans blame the rise of the virus on Asian people hence could have been the cause of the continued violence rise against the Asians. The discrimination has impacted how Asians live increasing fear of attacks among them. Ruiz et al. (2021) establish that 32% of Asian adults are afraid of physical attacks and threats compared to other racial groups in the US. The US government should develop policies to curb racial criticism in America to help stop its negative impact among Asian-Americans.
Microaggression is a subtle form of racial discrimination. Those involved in it might not even know they are unless someone provides them with information about it. Although many news articles reveal negative things happening to Asian Americans, most people do not engage in harassing others intentionally. However, microaggression has profound effects on individuals. For example, when teachers congratulate an Asian student for speaking English so well, the learner wonders why they are treated differently from other American students. Some get shy and rarely communicate confidently to attract similar attention in the future. According to Yin (2021), individuals who experience microaggression develop xenophobia even in the healthcare centers in the US. She claims that it is not surprising that Asian Americans skip doctor’s appointment’s or seek healthcare attention for fear of racial torment. According to the racial criticism against Asians, the primary reason is the propaganda that Covid-19 is from China. Educative campaigns and sessions can help sensitize the public about the misguided beliefs that Asians are responsible for the virus in the US. They can also help inform the Americans about subtle racial humiliations and their impacts on their fellow c...
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