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Scholarly Article review: Southern History as U.S. History by Laura F. Edwards

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Scholarly article review
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Article Review

The journal article, Southern History as U.S. History by Laura F. Edwards, examines the historiographical issues related to the South and the significance of the southern history in the national context. The article also examines the regional distinctiveness and exceptionalism associated with the southern expanse, and the divide these presumptions create among historians interested in the history of the south based on their familiarity with the region. Undoubtedly, the article views southern distinctiveness as a historiographical and cultural construct rather than a functional portrayal of the southern history particularly due to the national significance of many historical issues connected to the south (Edwards, 2009). Therefore, this paper seeks to critically review the article, Southern History as U.S. History by Laura F. Edwards published in 2009 in the Journal of Southern History.
Laura F. Edwards bases the article entirely on secondary research. This is evidenced by the extensive use of the existing literature and reference to previously produced publications on the history of the South. In compiling this scholarly piece, the author sets out to explore and explain why Southern history is a representation of the national history of the United States as opposed to a regional history (Edwards, 2009). By identifying a clear research topic and setting out to justify her assertions through review of the existing literature and analysis of the remote history of the South, the author conducts a historical investigation and hence, the article is based on historical research.
Assuredly, the author of the article, Laura F. Edwards, is an authority in the subject area covered by the article. With regard to her academic and professional background, the author has a doctorate degree in history from the University of North Carolina and is currently a history professor at Duke University. Here research work focuses on issues revolving around the 19th century Southern United States. Additionally, the author has written other numerous award winning articles on such issues related to southern history as the civil war, slavery, women rights, citizenship, legal culture and law. For instance, the author has been recognized through awards by the American Historical Association and the Southern Historical Association for her work and is also a distinguished member of the Organization of American Historians (OAH, 2013). Thus, given her academic and professional background, the author has the requisite authority to write on the history of the South and its national significance.
Admittedly, the purpose of this journal article is to enlighten history scholars on the south, as a geographical region, as well as the themes that underline the history of the region. With regard to the south as a geographical region, the article examines the relevance of the history of the region to the United States as whole. In the article, the South is depicted as unique region that is defined more by its political, cultural, and social dynamics as well as its geography. According to the author, the distinctiveness of the history of the region sets it aside from the rest of the national historical currents, a development that subsequently informs the concept of the southern exceptionalism. As a result, the study of the history of this geographical region is seen as a preserve for the professional historians who hail from the south. Likewise, southern historical experiences are also viewed as specific to the region despite their relevance to the wider national history (Edwards, 2009).
Additionally, ...
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