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Russo Japanese War Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONLY ONE of the following questions to answer for this essay:

1.) Why were the Japanese so successful in their war against Russia in 1904-1905 and so unsuccessful in their war against the United States in 1941-1945? OR 2.) Which operations of the Pacific War are the most important for military planners to learn lessons from in the twenty first century? OR 3.) Who had done a better job of prewar preparation for the Pacific War -- the United States or Japan? ***PLEASE NO PLAGIARISM!!! 

Key points to consider: Write an essay that addresses the question and has a clearly-stated thesis, A sound effort which meets all five standards of a superior Strategy and War essay. A well-executed essay that includes complete analysis of the question. Offers a genuinely new understanding of the topic and Indicates brilliance. An organized, coherent and well-written paper that clearly warrants publication. An insightful essay and inclusion of a counterargument that explores the case which could be made against the offered thesis must be included. ***Start with a declarative statement identifying your position. In one or two sentences add five key points you will use to support your position. - Assume that everyone did the reading and knows the history, do not do a long historical introduction. - Next expand upon and explain each of your key points relevance to your position and possibly each other. Each of these points should be about a page and a half to two pages. This constitues the body of your essay. - Next recognize that there are other points of view by presenting a counter argument. - Refute the counter by identifying the weakness in the argument or the greater strength of your argument. - Finish by restating your thesis very concisely. Leave the reader believing your position. - REMEMBER that this is about the analysis that supports your position!, not about retelling history.

*****Use at least 8-10 if not all of the following references: 1.)Frank, Ending the Pacific War: Harry Truman and the Decision to Drop the Bomb. (http://www(dot)fpri(dot)org/articles/2009/04/ending-pacific-war-harry-truman-and-decision-drop-bomb)

2.) Millet, Assault from the Sea: The Development of Amphibious Warfare between the War: The American, British, and Japanese Experiences.

3.) Krepinevich, Transforming to Victory: The U.S. Navy, Carrier Aviation, and Preparing for War in the Pacific.

4.) Wylie, Excerpt from "Reflections on the War in the Pacific" (https://navalwarcollege(dot)blackboard(dot)com/bbcswebdav/pid-375272-dt-content-rid-5513_1/xid-5513_1?target=blank).

5.) Memorandum for the President: The Dangerous Strategic Situation in the Pacific Ocean. (https://navalwarcollege(dot)blackboard(dot)com/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_375263_1&course_id=_4298_1).

6.) Spruance, Sea Power Lectures.

7.) Cohen, The Might-Have-Beens of Pearl Harbor. (https://navalwarcollege(dot)blackboard(dot)com/bbcswebdav/pid-375264-dt-content-rid-5505_1/xid-5505_1?target=blank).

8.)The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. Revised and Expanded Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pages 280-439, 579-95. 

9.) The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977. Chapters 1-2. 

10.) Fischer, David Hackett. Washington’s Crossing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pages 7-50, 66-205, 346-379. 

11.) Handel, Michael I. Masters of War: Classical Strategic Thought. Third, Revised and Expanded Edition. London: Cass, 2001. Pages 255-276. 

13.) Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. New York: Hill and Wang, 1957 or New York: Dover, 1987. Introductory, Chapters 1, 9-11, and 14. 

14.) Carpenter, Stanley D.M. “British Strategic Failure in the Southern Campaign, 1778-1781.” Naval War College Unpublished Paper, 2008. 

15.) Conway, Stephen. “To Subdue America: British Army Officers and the Conduct of the Revolutionary War,” William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 43, No. 3 (July 1986), 381-407. 

16.) Kurland, Fundamental Documents of the American Revolution.

17.) Andidora R. "Admiral Togo an Adaptive Strategist". pg52-61. 

18.) Corbett J.S. (2005)."MARITIME OPERATIONS IN THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR, 1904-1905. Naval Institute Press.

19.) Elleman. B.A. (2005).''The Sino-Japanese War and the Partitioning of China" Extract from MODERN CHINESE WARFARE, 1795-1989 . Routledge.

20.) Paine. S.C.(2004). "THE SINO-JAPANESE WAR OF 1894-1895 PERCEPTIONS, POWER, AND PRIMACY" . Journal of Japanese Studies.

21.) Mahan A.T. (1908)."Retrospect Upon the War Between Japanand Russia". NAVAL ADMINISTRATION AND WARFARE SOME GENERAL PRINCIPLES . Boston : Little, Brown, and Co.

22.) "THE RUS50-JAPANESE WAR", Primary Causes of Japanese Success, by Vice AdmiraL Yoji Koda, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Russo-Japanese war and the Pacific war
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Thesis statement
This paper explores a brief introduction of the Russo-Japanese war and the pacific war. It further explores the reasons of the success of the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese war and the reasons on the failures of the Japanese in the Pacific war. A counter argument is the presented and a conclusion made.
The war between Japan and Russia was referred to as Russo-Japanese war which was fought between 8th February 1904 and 5th September 1905. The Russo-Japanese war was over rival colonial ambitions in Korea and Manchuria region. In 1900, there was the boxer uprising in Beijing, China and the eight-nation member alliance sent military troops.Russia had sent it soldiers to Manchuria where they settled and forcefully moved the Qing troops and boxer participants. They failed to fulfill their promise of moving and they were growing strong day by day (Albany, 1986). The Japanese Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi, considered Japan a weak nation to eject the military of Russia hence decided toconfer with them. They were to give Russia control of the Manchuria region while Japan was to take control of northern Korea. Japan and Britain signed the Anglo-Japanese Alliance which in simpler words stated that In the event of war, if Russia was to have an allied country then Britain was to join the war as an ally to Japan.
. In August 1903, the Japanese prime minister handed in a quoted verbatim after being told to issue his country’s views going up against Russian merging plan to Manchuria. On October 1903, Russian Minister to Japan, Roman Rosen, presented the Japanese government with another quoted verbatim to act as a response to the one written by the Japanese. Negotiations flowed on until 1904 when Japanese came to realize that Russia was busy setting up military troops and wasn’t concerned about the negotiations (David, 1973). In 1904, Japan declared war on Russia. They waged attacks on the Port of Arthurand denied Russians from using it and sieged the port. On May 1904, the first war on land took place at River Yalu. There were other battles on land at the yellow sea, Sandepu, Mukden and Tsushima. A combination of the Japanese Navy and army forced the Russians to sue for peace after the battle of Tsushima. On 5th September 1905, the American president, Theodore Roosevelt, offered to arbitrate and hold meetings in Portsmouth. The treaty came to be known as the Treaty of Portsmouth. Russia’s defeat was met with shock and disbelief from its citizens and from all over the world. The Russo-Japanese war had very many effects both on Japan and Russia. Among them are: the war led to a high number of deaths, Reforms in the military troops of Russia that assisted them to face Germany in World War 1, there was increased nationalism in the region of Japan and the peace accord led to feelings of distrust as Japan was forced to accept half of the land, Sakhalin Island, by the American President Theodore Roosevelt.
The United States and Japan engaged in a war popularly known as The Pacific War. It took place between 7thDecember 1941-2nd September 1945. It is also termed as The World War II. Before the declaration of war the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor thoughthey had decided to attack the United States thirty minutes after they had informed the United States about their pulling out from further negotiations. In 1942, Americans and British fought with Germansand Italians. There was a German invasion being taken up by the soviet. The Japanese were being stopped by other United States allies. Japan and their allies were known as axis while the United States and their supporters were recognized as allied. The Axis was distributed all over Europe giving the United States an upper hand in North Africa. German troops were already occupied with the Russian Front. July 1943, North Africa was used as a push when the allied forces attacked Sicily. There was the battle of Normandy which was fought on air between the German, Canadian, American and British forces. There was an invasion in 1943 along the French coastline by the United States which in history is termed as the biggest sea invasion. In 1944, there was the battle of Bulge which was a German war and the biggest war that the United States had participated to date. This battle led to a high number of people loosing lives and casualties. 1945, the German leaders tried to have peace talks with Great Britain and United States who in turn demanded that the German troops should surrender. The final blow on Japan was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. Japan surrendered.
There are various points to explain the success of Japan in the Russo-Japanese war and it failure in the pacific war against the United States. This is as described below:
Domestic stability, Japanese had known Russia as a country very well. The Japanese government had sent special groups to conduct activities supportive to the Russian revolutionary groups. Therefore, they had information beforehand of Russia’s weaknesses and strong points. They got to know how they would attack the Russians in the event of war.
In the pacific war, the United States froze Japanese assets denying them access to the most important materials such as scrap iron, petroleum and technology. All this happened because Japan had moved into the French colony, indo-china and the United States were quick to note that Japan could be a threat. This made the United States stronger as Japan could not produce enough iron which was very important in making ammunition. Japan’s industrial revolution went down making that an advantage to the United States.
Shortage of militaries. Japan knew very well that, Russia could not be able to spread its militaries all over the area in the Far East because it had to keep some forces in western Russia as a security to Turkish, German, and Austrian forces. That meant that by absorbing most of the Imperial Army in Manchuria, the Japanese could field an army with strength equal to that of the Russian force. In addition to that, the goal of that army was not to win but not to lose. In that case, another party was to be included to mediate peace before war prolonged for Russian reinforcements to arrive from Europe which could have made the Japanese to fail in the war. Moreover, The Japanese navy was very well organized having powerful ammunition and tactful navy soldiers.
In the pacific war, the Japanese army was not well equipped with skills like the Japanese navy. Hence after the attack on Pearl Harbor, they had to move to land so that they could conquer other cities inside. Not having the best skills within the army, they already stood a chance of loosing the war...
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