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Power of Yakuza

Essay Instructions:

My essay topic is Yakuza. I would like to talk about the history of yakuza, their structure and organization. How and when they established. The power yakuza have, how do they gain their power and expand their organization. Why Yakuza with so many tattoos.

Main question I will answer in this essay: What power does Yakuza have and how Yakuza affect the society.

My instructor told me to focus on one area - like the power of the yakuza(political, cultural, economic) for example. Keep the essay focused.

Can you include subtitle for each paragraph.

Just a B level essay will be good.

I have found 3 resources:

SINIAWER, E. M. (2012). Befitting Bedfellows: Yakuza and the State in Modern Japan. Journal Of Social History, 45(3), 623-641. doi:10.1093/jsh/shr120

Kaplan, D. E., & Dubro, A. (2003). Yakuza : Japan's Criminal Underworld. Berkeley: University of California Press.

GLOBAL VICE: THE EXPANDING TERRITORY OF THE YAKUZA. (2012). Journal of International Affairs, 66(1), 155-161.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Power of Yakuza
Power of Yakuza
The name yakuza refers to Japanese organized crimes syndicates which are formed by gangsters emanating from different locations in Japan. The actual population of Yakuza is not known but their impact has been felt by the Japanese people through numerous vices such as gambling activities, drug peddling, protection rackets, and prostitution among other vices. This gang is composed of a combination of separate gangs that can be compared to the American Mafia who activities are characterized with intimidation of the public to allow money extortion among other vices. This outlawed gang has recruited its members from different parts of Japan that are habitat to blacklisted gangs. The yakuzi has transformed over the years to embrace employ highly organized crime approaches especially in extorting money despite the enactment of laws that are enforced to prevent this gang from harassing the public. Anti-yakuzi law enactments have been introduced in Japan to mitigate risks to the general public that emanate from the activities of this gang (Kaplan & Dubro, 2003).
History of Yakuza
The Yakuza history dates back to 1612 during which Kabuki-mono started getting in the limelight of officials characterized with odd behaviors as seen in their clothing and hair style. These people terrorized the public at their will and they carried long swords along with them. The group originated from different locations that evidenced variation from history of the gang syndicate. They have a lineage to the "Ronin Samurai warriors" who lacked a master during 17th century political regimen and had to defend themselves against bandits when the starts wandering through different locations and started looting. It is not until mid 1700’s when the yakuzi surfaced who were gamblers and street peddlers who were mostly poor and delinquents. This gang has undergone transition over the years to embrace modernity and spreading across considerable areas in Japan whereby the Yamaguchi-gumi is the most powerful gang whose symbol is a pin that is rhombus shaped that normally wear on the lapel attached to the suits. The yakuzi are also usually highly tattooed and they get whatever the want with ease through theats and intimidation (Global Vice..., 2012)
Structure and organization of Yakuza
The yakuza structure is an easy one to follow whereby they are headquartered in Kobe particularly the Yamaguchi-gumi who is the supreme leader whose original gang was referred to as the Yamaken-gumi. There is a senior advisor who resides in O...
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