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The Great Migration

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay on the great migration of the black population to the northern United States. 

1.) What were the reasons for the great migration?

2.) What were some of the risks involved for the African Americans who undertook the move?

3.) What were some of the long term social and cultural impacts of the great migration?

Describe and evaluate the impact of the great migration on three different aspects of American life.

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The Great Migration
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The Great Migration refers to the relocation of over six million African-Americans from the South to various regions including the West, Midwest and North during the 1960 to 1970 (Holloway, 2015). This kind of migration had a great impact on the United States’ urban life. It is worth noting that such African-Americans were forced to migrate from the South by harsh segregation laws and inadequate economic opportunities. As such, most of them migrated to the North because this place needed industrial workers. This means that these African-Americans went to seek for job opportunities. The black population in New York and Chicago expanded exponentially until it resulted in stiff competition for the living space as well as poor working conditions. This research paper seeks to critically examine the reasons behind the Great Migration; some of the risks involved for the African-Americans who undertook the move; and some of the long-term social and cultural impacts of the Great Migration.
The Reasons for the Great Migration
The Great Migration was caused by a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the white supremacy that prevailed in the South. Additionally, the segregation policies that were referred to as Jim Crowalso forced the black population to move out of their homes. The black people were living in poor economic conditions characterized by little or no economic opportunity. It has also been argued that the African-Americans experienced intimidation, prejudice and violence from the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Even though the KKK had been dissolved officially in the year 1869, it still continued with its hostility against the African-Americans including lynching some of the African-Americans (Inmotionaame.org, n.d).
After the start of World War I in Europe in the year 1914, the industrialized cities in West Midwest, and North were faced with a shortage of laborers (New Jersey State Library, 2015). As such, the African-Americans were enticed by the recruiters to migrate to the north so that they can take the job opportunities. Another factor than contributed to the Great Migration is the increased taxes levied on the African-Americans. Under employment was not the only factor that contributed to the migration but isolation as well.
Some of the risks involved for the African-Americans who undertook the move
The African-Americans who undertook the move were faced with various risks. First, they risked losing their identity has they headed towards the north. They also risked breaking their family ties because not everyone wanted to move to the north. It is also important to note that this migration was a very expensive exercise, especially when it involved the migration of the entire family. They thus risked incurring huge financial losses in the process. Another risk involved in the process is racism. This...
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