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The Role of Education and Labor in a Democratic Society

Essay Instructions:


Understanding education and democracy through a study of EITHER Benjamin Franklin OR Thomas Paine

The late eighteenth-century was a time of major social change. The American Revolution was more than an independence movement. It was a rethinking of how to organize society and how a free person should behave.


Benjamin Franklin invites us to consider how we should organize our society and how we should live, especially when it comes to understanding education, labor, and democracy. Use Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography (in the Course Materials folder) to answer the question, “What is the role of education and labor in a democratic society?”


Thomas Paine argued for independence from England for the British Colonies, and also for liberty from other oppressive forces, such as organized religion and monopolistic corporations. Use Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" and additional excerpts in the Course Materials folder to answer the question, “What is the role of revolution and of a democratic government in achieving liberty from these oppressive forces?”

Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence.

Organize your paper with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your reader understand the logic of your organization.

Edit your paper thoroughly to avoid errors and to improve readability.

Give your paper a title that reflects your argument.

Grading criteria:

Argument: 25% Does your paper have a clear, singular, specific argument that answers the question?

Evidence: 25% Do you use all of the relevant evidence to defend your argument?

Organization: 25% Does your paper have a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions?

Clarity: 25% Is your prose efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting spelling or grammatical errors?


12-pt., Times New Roman font, double-spaced

1” margins • 1200-1500 words (approximately 4-5 full, double-spaced pages)

Chicago Notes and Bibliography style citations (see https://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/home.html for guidance)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Role of Education and Labor in a Democratic Society
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The Role of Education and Labor in a Democratic Society
Education is the process of receiving systematic instruction and acquiring knowledge, while labor involves the physical, mental and social efforts directed to the production process. In a democratic society, people are free to choose what they want in life. In this context, they can select education or settle for labor. In relation to Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, the reflection of how education and labor are essential in a democratic society is shown. Because of financial problems, Franklin dropped out of school and joined different labor activities. However, after getting enough money, he used his resources to gain access to education material where he taught himself many aspects relating to democracy, including foreign languages. Education and labor contributed to Benjamin's success.
Rothstein and Jacobsen (2006) indicated that the fundamental aim of education in a democracy-based society is to inform students about decency, participation, and equity. These qualities are significant in advancing the operation of the majority rules system in a given country. Benjamin Franklin accepted that different societies were substantial, and subsequently, it was imperative to understand more about these cultures. To appreciate these societies and their cultures, he taught himself. In a vote-based community, there are assorted individuals from different backgrounds. Therefore, in a democratic government, there is a need to regard individuals' decisions and live with them without passing judgment on their way of life.
Also, education is significant for the financial improvement of any general public. Effective knowledge could be transferred to other people through books from one generation to another, only that the responsibility of acquiring that knowledge is left to the interested party. It is additionally through instruction that new information is produced. An ever-increasing number of disclosures are being made in various fields. Without education, these discoveries could be impossible. It is through schooling that we see how multiple frameworks work. Different explorations are done with a different direction in education that contributes to revelations that are evolving lives. Benjamin perceived education as essential, and he had to obtain it through all the means that were disposable to him.
In a democratic society, training ought not to be utilized to characterize the value of anybody. Formal schooling ought not to be forced on anybody. Instead, it should be a decision and comprehension of people to decide whether they need it or not. Based on Franklin's autobiography, he felt that he needed education; that is why after securing enough finances, he went back to school even after dropping out. To some extent, education is not the only way to succeed or be competent; it is only that it plays a crucial role in widening the understanding of individuals about different aspects. For this reason, the role of education in a democratic society should be improving and advancing both virtues in community and quality of life instead of driving a wedge between people.
In a popularity-based society, education should be utilized as an instrument that progresses basic liberties. It is vital to regard fundamental liberties. Benjamin franklin utilized education to help other people since he understood that education could be utilized as access into civilization. In a general public where prejudice was extremely high, Benjamin franklin utilized his insight into social aspects and comprehension to intervene in the discrimination of Black Americans. He used his education to come up with establishments that advanced serene concurrence between Americans. In a majority rule society, education is significant in progressing community information. Community information and citizenry are vital for the general public to work equitably. The thought behind state-funded schools is to adva...
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