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Response on German Dominance and the World War II

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to each of the following posts, #1 & #2 (at least 100 words for each response). Each response should be substantive and add something to the discussion, rather than simply restating or agreeing or disagreeing with something the original writer has written.

Post #1:  

 Even before the war, German Jews under Hitler were subjected to reduced food, living quarters, and job opportunities. The first idea was that the horrendous conditions "( Smith, pg 249) would help ill people off naturally at low cost." Nazis were Slavic possessions, land, and housing for ethnic Germans who were resettled on farms and in empty apartments to create Aryan utopias across Eastern Europe.
    Robert Jay Lifton examines the motivation of Nazi doctors who survived World War 2. He concluded "that the doctors had gone through the process of doubling. The separation of a person's self into two functioning wholes, a phenomenon he distinguished from multiple personalities and split personalities."(Donald L. Niewyk, Pg. 58).  Reserve police became killers, and it explains such behavior from wartime brutalization, obedience to orders, deference to authority, and conformity. They constantly invented new forms of harassment and enjoyed their newfound power to behave cruelly and arbitrarily. The other explanation for the behavior of doctors or police officers was fear. They feared that if they did not do what they were asked, they would be punished and even killed.

Post #2:

In a way World War 2 was an extention of the first war because the Treaty of Versaille crushed the German economy and led many people to seek radical ideologies such as Nazism.  Hitler rose to power with the nationalist platform that he would restore Germany to its place of glory and unify German people.  Stemming from radical ideology and ideas about racially purity eventually caused the deaths of 50-100 million people.  Nationalism continued to spread as World War Two began as well as racial hatred towards Jews.

The difference of total war between World War One and World War Two is "civilians were the explicit targets of violence from invasion, bombing and totalitarian government policies, including those of racial war" (Ch Six 252).  "World War Two brought civilization to a new low . At the war's end in 1945 , tens of millions had been killed, entire economies had been crushed, and nation-states and their institutions lay in ruins.  World War Two was in every sense a total war." (Ch Six 252).  I believe that a primary example of this is the 'Blitz' or the Battle of London.  German forces in attempts to crush the spirits of the British bombed major cities of Britain for 78 nights.  While on the ally side in hopes of forcing a surrender from Hitler American troops bombed Dresden for two days destroying the historical and cultural city.  People in the cities felt "it became necessary to portay the rebirth of the city" in attempts at hope and keeping the faith (V.S. Kostrovitskaia 267).

There was also differences on the homefront.  In regards to women, "Nazi ideology emphasized women's reproductive nature" (Ch Six 253).  While American women improved "American gross national product by 40 percent" (Ch Six 253).  Women were now most of the workforce and enjoyed more freedoms than they previosly had in the depression, when they were being blamed for taking male jobs.  In America during the war red lipstick worn by women was considered part of the war effort.  It was rumored that Hitler hated red lipstick so American women all wore red.  In fact cosmetic manufacturing was halted during the war except for red lipstick. 

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Response to peer Post
Post 1
The notion of German dominance and its emergence implies a great deal of cruelty and force. Your explanation of the facts is clear-cut, exciting, and highly engaging. Most of the system lacked democracy and was likely founded on antisemitic principles since the fight for power, particularly over doctors and police officials, was organized by fear. For instance, Robert Jay's examination of the Nazi physicians as presented in this piece produces the idea that they indoctrinated themselves into their duties as killers, as well as the strange, surreal character of life inside an institution dedicated to elimination. It is authentic. I concur that these dispositions account for the functioning gap and the personality variation described in this pi...
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