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Fundamental Beliefs and Practices of Islam and the Muslim Attitude Toward Non-Believers

Essay Instructions:

After completing all assigned readings, please post a response to some (or all) of the following questions. Remember to respond to a post made by a classmate.

1) What were the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam?

2) What were some of the obligations Muslims imposed on their non-Muslim subjects?

3) What was the Muslim attitude toward non-believers?

4) How were women viewed in Islamic society?

go to the survey of world history and more information is on week 9. ASK SUPPORT FOR LINK AND LOG IN INSTRUCTIONS

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1) What were the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam?
The fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam are centered on the Five Pillars. These five pillars are: (1) Shahada or the profession of faith. This means that the people of Islam do not believe in gods other than God, and that they have faith in Muhammad, who is a prophet of God. (2) Salat or prayer. Muslims put prayers above other activities in their day-to-day lives. They have protected times to pray at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark. (3) Zakat or alms. Muslims believe that it is virtuous and therefore in accordance to Muslim law that whoever has an abundance of resources must share to those in need. (4) Sawm or fasting. Muslims are known for fasting holidays and they do this for their belief in expressing gratitude to God by abstaining from drinking and eating. Finally, (5) Hajj or pilgrimage. Muslims believe that it is their duty to travel to the Mecca (Saudi Arabia) to pay respects to God, Abraham, and Muhammad (The Met Museum, 2013).
2) What were some of the obligations Muslims imposed on their non-Muslim subjects?
Muslims expect non-Muslim subjects to observe some of their trad...
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