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Assignment 6. Republic & Genesis Paper. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 6

• Due Tuesday (12/10)

• When we make an argument, we build something with words to prove a point.

Review 369a-d in the Republic and Genesis 1-2.25. Analyze the structure of

each of these worlds and compare the justice systems in each. How is each

passage a kind of ideal world? Is an idealized world sustainable? Why or why

not? (3-4 pages)

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Republic & Genesis Paper
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Republic & Genesis Paper
The book of Moses, Genesis, describes the story of creation and how man and woman were placed in Eden's garden. The Republican passage outlines a conversation about a world created by people's desire to meet their needs. The paper will analyze the structure and compare the justice system of the worlds represented in the Republic and Genesis passages, show how both are ideal worlds, and outline how an idealized world is sustainable.
The world represented in genesis is one where people are expected to live in unity, feeding on the fruits of the garden of Eden. The knowledge tree represents the justice system. If an individual consumes from this tree, mankind would be doomed to die (2.17). The Republic passage represents a world where people have to work in different sectors for them to survive. The fact that people have different needs is the main reason why the world is created. Hence, people have to come up with ways of meeting their needs. The world does not have a justice system. It is right for a person to take other people's things as long as they satisfy their needs.
The passage in the Republic world is a representation of an ideal world. In an ideal world, people have different needs and preferences. The multiple needs make people not to be self-sufficient. This is an indication that people have to rely on one another to make resources sufficient. The world discussed in the passage is where people have to work in different sectors to fully satisfy their needs. The passage points out that someone has to be a farmer while another has to be a weaver (p. 47, 369d). In an ideal world, people have to work in different sectors for them to satisfy their needs. An individual cannot be a farmer, a builder, and a weaver at the same time. If a person is a farmer, they will require a builder to shelter them. If people do not work in different sectors to satisfy their needs, the world will not be ideal. The world described in the passage focuses on providing people with primary basic needs. It points out that the first thing to provide is food, the second is shelter, and the third is shelter (p. 47, 369d). Therefore, the Republic's world is an ideal world where people work together to satisfy each other's needs.
The world represented in Genesis is an ideal world. The Lord built a world where every person would have everything, they need in life to satisfy their needs. The man and woman were placed in the garden of Eden (1.1). The garden of Eden could be an indication of a perfect world where huma...
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