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Wk 2 Discussion - Genre History Essay Research Paper

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Week 2 Discussion – Genre
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Week 2 Discussion – Genre
Both texts are similar in that they supported social injustices anchored on racial inequalities. Senator John C. Calhoun, in his speech to the United States’ Senate, reiterated that people are of different intellectual and physical characteristics, origins, and colors, and it is such diversity that justifies the notion of slavery as a “positive good” (Calhoun, 1837). Calhoun further noted that the civilized and wealthy societies thrive on the “labor of others” since they lived by displacing other communities. Similarly, Josiah Strong’s book justified racial inferiority and white supremacy by suggesting that “nothing can save the inferior (races) but a pliant and ready assimilation.” In this way, any populations that are psychologically developed in culture will ultimately outshine their purportedly “more abject and feebler races.” Strong justified racial discrimination by suggesting that the “Anglo-Saxon race is prepared to conquer the feebler races in the great world beyond” (Strong, 1891).
Calhoun primarily focused on promoting the slavery institution in the South while Str...
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