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IAH 202a: Europe and the World, Religion and Colonization

Essay Instructions:

IAH 202a: Europe and the World
his course tells the story of the European expansion in the early modern period. The focus here will be on the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, the second phase of the articulation of European colonial networks before the contemporary era. This period saw the transformation of the tentative endeavors of exploration and settlement of an earlier age into the mature structures of empire that are commonly associated with that term. While not the full flourishing of modern European imperialism—a development of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—the structures and events that will be discussed in this class are the “first run” of European empires. They constitute and exemplify the attempts made by Europeans to create a pre-modern imperial system, one that bore the marks of contemporary European culture and the limitations of early modern political, economic, military, and intellectual forces.
This course has lecture and discussion components. Its presentations will center on the initial articulation of the British, French, and Dutch empires, as well as the mature phases of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the Americas, Africa, and Maritime Asia. Discussions in the recitation sections will provide students with the opportunity to analyze documents and other sources from the period in small groups. Participants in both components will arrive at a broad understanding of the political, religious, and economic bonds that began to hold the world together long before the current age of globalization.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Religion and Colonization
For one to understand how the current positive changes that have been witnessed in the United States of America in terms of law, individual freedom and beliefs, local community practice came to be, it would be prudent to first look into some of the common patterns and experiences surrounding religion in colonial days in the 17th century. In ancient years before the united sates was established, different Christian religious groups such as Catholics and Protestants played a key role in most of the British colonies and most of the religious leaders also took the opportunity to establish stringent religious observance using both of the colonial governments as well as the local authority rules. Despite the fact that most of colonial masters considered themselves as Christians, but their characters were very much contrary to the teachings of the Christian religion. During the colonial period, there were some of the religious leaders that played a key role in condemning the brutality of colonialists in different parts of the world. For instance, sermons from the Jesuit priest in Brazil, a group of nuns led by Maria Rosa sailed to Peru to open a new convent, and the Puritan community in Eastern New England (Greer, 2000).
This essay examines the most important aspects of contemporary religion in social terms among Protestants or Puritans and Catholics like the Jesuit preacher and the nuns.
The Role that Religious Institutions Serve in the New Colonies of Americas
Religion played a major role during the colonial period of the currently known as the United States of America. By the 17th century, there was religious persecution made settlers flee from Europe to the current United States. Colonization of North America by the British came as a result of conviction that was held by both Catholics and the Protestants; this conviction was necessitated by the fact that both the Protestants and the Catholics wanted uniformity of religion in any given society (Greer, 2000). This conviction was brought by the idea that Christianity was the only true religion and therefore it was the duty of the people in the authority to impose it with whichever the means including force if possible, with the intention of saving souls of all citizens. In addition to that, nonconformists were to expect no mercy and might as well be executed as heretics. This concept meant that the major religious groups that were controlling political powers were to punish dissenting voices among them. As a matter of fact, there were some areas Catholics were persecuting Protestants and at the same time, Protestants were persecuting Catholics. There were some areas where both of the Catholics and Protestants were persecuting coreligionists. Religious institutions played a great role in promoting colonial activities. According to de Montoya (1993), most of the religious leaders from both Catholics and Protestants played a great role in promoting colonial activities not only in the North America, but also in almost all the countries where there was colonial authority. They used the colonial authority to force other people to change into Christianity. Instead of preaching to the non-Christians as instructed by the Bible, they were persecuting and executing those who had different views from theirs.
To further show how religious leaders and to be specific Catholics and Protestants promoted colonialism in North America, is by looking into the colonial activities that took place in the currently known as Massachusetts. Puritans, who were non-separatist, decided to settle in the North America and specifically at the Massachusetts Bay, because they could not stand the harassment by the Church of England, hostility from Charles the First and economic recession. The Puritans under their leader by the name John Winthrop came with the idealism of religious to their first colony of Massachusetts Bay. They began by setting up churches in almost all the towns in Massachusetts. These churches were in charge of their own affairs, hired and fired ministers and also they were collecting taxes from the community especially from the natives to fund their affairs. To add to that, church attendance was made compulsory for everyone, but not everyone was allowed. People of different races like the Indians and Africans were not allowed to become members of any church (Pyrard, de Bergeron & Bignon, 1887).
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