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History Question HIST 175, Take-Home Exam: Opening of Japan

Essay Instructions:

HIST 175, Take-Home Exam

 This final exam has 2 questions. You should answer each question by using 500 words. You may go over 500 words (up to 550), but not under 500 words. Double-space your answers.

 When answering, use dates, write clearly, and use your own voice and words. Put in quotations “  ” any words or sentences that are not your own, and cite the source using APA style: put inside quotation marks “ ”, followed by the reference:

(Watson, 2006, p. 58).

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History Question
Describe the importance of the “Opening of Japan”. Refer to Admiral Perry, the “Black Ships,” and the Japanese response. 500 words.
Matthew Perry’s first visit to Japan on July 8th,1853 introduced foreign trade and led to opening of Japan, and as a result of the relationship between the Japanese and the civilized world led to growth by bringing major institutional changes among the Japanese hence adapting to a new period quickly. ‘‘Failure to give form to these standards would lead Japan to eventually collapsing in the near future. ’’, (Nakamaura and Masao, 2015, p.103). It is through the combination of the external factors which unbolted way for changes in support of the human rights such as the freedom of religion whereby several protestant and catholic churches were formed and the introduction of compulsory education in schools which led to inviting more foreign teachers in the country. The treaty also brought large amount of foreign money in the country, which stabilized its economy. As a result to the reforms at hand, telegraphs started working and the first railway line was opened between Tokyo and Yokohama, hence encouraging the government to using more money to develop the transport and communication means. The reformed Japan gradually started to adapt to the social and economic radical reforms that were taking place across the country hence enabling the emergence of new organizational structures and technologies. For a quick change, from agriculture into an industrial country the Japanese students were sent to the West to study science and languages under the government’s expense. Since the end of the 19th century, Japan had amassed leading powers where its main goal was to initiate war between china and Russian and as a result of these wars Japan acquired its colonies. The government also offered support to the development of large companies which later formed the thrust of the country’s economic power. The growth of military was a high priority for Japan hence universal military was introduced. The urge of copying the western experience resulted to Japan receiving its first constitution in 1889, which led to establishment of a parliament and formed its own political parties. ‘‘Finding another cross cultural moment offered at hand than this one would be difficult. Since no other history of Japan had ever experienced such an event in a cinematic way’’, (Seraphim and Franziska, 2014, p.198).
The Japanese response on the arrival of the black ships led to them giving in to the west demands for an increased opening of trade relations thus benefited them in borrowing the west’s cultures and having more knowledge of the west hence becoming more modernized thus sending several Japanese to the western countries to learn from them. Japan also took a step to change its political system by engaging constitution that gave governmental powers an imperial diet and resulted to being the most powerful country in its region. Due to the flexible political institutions, Japan was able to allow economic competitions from different groups which enabled them to offer incentives to the members of the merchant class who were seeking powers through wealth.
Who was Deng Xiaoping, and how did his policies change the direction and development of China? 500words
Deng Xiaoping was a Chinese powerful figure who provided a steady hand in political skills for china in order for china to succeed her important achievements as the leader was the master of economic reforms he initiated. ‘‘In order to serve a society the right way, good motives should be emphasized that would initiate change. Without their leadership, new ideas cannot be launched and no change can happen.’’, (Zhang and Weiying 2015, p.40). He...
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