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Reflection Paper: The Strength Of Our Constitution

Essay Instructions:

This is not a formal paper, but rather meant to serve as a way for you to put all the pieces together or demonstrate your understanding of a particular topic. There are no right or wrong topics or political opinions. Just show me that you engaged with history and the course materials in some meaningful way. You may wish to see my comments from your last post as a guide.

Use the briefguide_writing_history.pdfPreview the document as a guide if you wish.

What I am looking for is a clear thesis or idea, paragraphs and college-level communicating, and evidence to back up your idea in roughly 500-750 words. You can either submit a text entry or a file upload if you wish. If you use quotes from other sources, be sure to cite those in the reference style of your choice. Be sure that you do so in the post, if needed.

Please keep in mind that your thoughts are more important to me than formality of a paper. Content is king. Don't get hung up on thinking this has to be a formal paper, it doesn't. It can be if that is your style, but a simple text entry is fine as well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Reflection paper The most important document in the United States is the constitution that provides policies and principles that govern us. However, just like most Americans, I only knew about the bill of rights. Nevertheless, after this unit, I realized other than the Bill of Rights; there is more to our constitution that people may imagine. The convention of 1787 created a government framework that not only served Americans but acted as a motivation for freedom fighters around the world. Consequently, majority of the nations in the world bear the marks of the 55 men who met in Philadelphia to create the framework of our constitution. However, it is no secret that the United States has undergone radical changes politically. Economy wise, the national budget has moved from $4 million in 1970 to $1 trillion today. Regardless of these changes, the primary framework of our constitution has remained intact. As a result, it is astonishing to imagine how a constitution made to govern 4 million people has withstood all these changes to manage more than 300 million people. However, I totally think the strength of our constitution lies in how mindful our founding fathers were when creating it. Rather than just going ahead and forming something that was beneficial to them at a personal capacity or their states, they engaged in a lot of discussions. Therefore, it is obvious that all the discussions were against the British model of Nobility, which they deemed as an aristocracy. Consequently, the end product was a document that was flexible enough to adapt to the changing times by accommodating all people. This is the exact opposite of ...
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