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President and the Federal Budget

Essay Instructions:

A close examination of the Article II of the Constitution (Executive Branch) suggests that the founding fathers, leery of tyrannical monarchs, deliberately made vague the powers and responsibility of the president. Yet the institution of the presidency has grown, over time. This expansion of presidential power and the growth of the federal bureaucracies, through executive interpretation of Article II of the Constitution, is a dominant feature of the modern presidency.

The growth of modern presidential power coincides with the growth of the federal budget. Every year the Office of Management and Budget provides a detailed summary of the President’s proposed budget. You can review the federal budget.

The federal budget spends close to four trillion dollars a year. The federal budget is split between mandatory (what the federal government has to spend due to congressional legislation) and discretionary spending (what the federal government spends as a result of congressional allotment). Roughly speaking, mandatory spending accounts for two-thirds of the federal budget and discretionary spending accounts for one-third of the federal budget.

Directions: If you were an economic adviser to the president of the United States how would you adjust the federal budget to address your concerns regarding federal, domestic spending?

Select two federal departments, administrations, or agencies detailed in the President’s proposed budget

Within the Table of Contents of the President’s proposed budget you will see a list of all the federal departments, administrations, and agencies.

In light of growing federal deficits, make specific arguments for deficit spending or cuts within each selected department, administration, or agency.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
President and the Federal Budget Name Institution Article II of the Constitution advocate that the establishing fathers Leery of tyrannical monarchs intentionally made ambiguous the powers and obligation of the president. The modern president has a dominant feature of growing in power through the federal bureaucracies that is, the growth of the economy coincides with the growth of presidential power (Dunleavy, 1987). Because of these powers and the existing duties the president may mismanage or prioritize the wrong areas when planning the federal budget. It is observed that the federal government spends a sum of four trillion dollars yearly where mandatory spending accounts for two-thirds of this budget while the remaining portion is discretionary spending. This paper is going to look at how an economic adviser can come up with strategies to help the president adjust the federal government. As an advisor, I would recommend three strategies to achieve balance ...
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