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Reflection on the Issue of Diversity and Tolerance

Essay Instructions:

This post will be similar to what you wrote during the Orientation module, but you will be focused on the material in Unit 1.

This is not a formal paper, but rather meant to serve as a way for you to put all the pieces together or demonstrate your understanding of a particular topic. There are no right or wrong topics or political opinions. Just show me that you engaged with history in some meaningful way.

Use the briefguide_writing_history.pdf as a guide if you wish.

What I am looking for is a clear thesis or idea, paragraphs and college-level communicating, and evidence to back up your idea in roughly 500-750 words. You can either submit a text entry or a file upload.

You must cite at least one of the course material sources, but if you use quotes from other sources, be sure to cite those as well in the reference style of your choice. Many of you mentioned that you use MLA, so that's fine, as long as you cite when necessary.

Please keep in mind that your thoughts are more important to me than formality of a paper. Content is king. Don't get hung up on thinking this has to be a formal paper, it doesn't. It can be if that is your style, but a simple text entry is fine as well, as long as you stick to the guidelines above.

Here are some sample Reflections as examples (some of these are longer than necessary, which is fine but not expected. 500-750 words is good). Note that I have deleted names to protect student identities:

Sample 1: Nice example

Sample 2: Nice example

Sample 3 This is an example of what NOT TO DO!

If you have any questions, please send me an email, come to office hours, or post in the discussion board.

This is due Sunday, February 3 at 11:59 PM. Please be sure to write your name at the top and provide a word count at the bottom.


Reflection Rubric (1) (1)

Reflection Rubric (1) (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvides a clear thesis statement or topic sentence 2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates college-level writing (paragraphs, proper punctuation, etc.) 1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper length (500-750 words, or more) 1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProperly cites sources, if needed 2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelates the Who, Why, What, Where, and Significance of topic 2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvides evidence to back up thesis from course material 2.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Due Date
This unit provided me with a lot of insight on matters that I often ignore. One issue stood that stood out for me is diversity. Diversity is a term that has elicited debates in the United States and people often end up more different and varied in the opinions they hold. Well, from this unit, I gather that the issue of diversity starts way back and that the problems experienced today started a long time ago. There is also the issue of tolerance which often dominates debates today, but one that I feel is never accorded the airtime that it deserves.
First of all, America has always been diverse, and this was the case even before the Europeans arrived. “When Europeans arrived, native peoples were tremendously diverse and differentiated by language, custom, political system, and religious belief, and they did not consider themselves a single unified people with a common cultural or racial identity” (Slide 4). This means that the issue of diversity started a long time ago.
However, as has been seen today, issues of bigotry were rampant as well but this became evident once the Europeans found their way into America. The Europeans came with their cultural, political, and religious beliefs. However, instead of continuing with the mood and cultural independence they found, they sought to “right” what they felt and saw as wrong and hence the issues of intolerance began and have survived till today. The native peoples had a simple life and “their religions and religious practices were often directly related to farming and hunting” (slide 9). Their views on certain things were also different from those of the Europeans. For example,...
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