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Relationship Between Individuals and Society in Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Hebrews

Essay Instructions:

Examine the relationship between the individual and society in three cultures of the ancient world. To what degree does each society recognize the value of the individual? How is this reflected in their laws? What roles do the gods play in this relationship? Please select your ancient cultures from the following list: Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Hebrews, Classical Greece, and the Hellenistic World.

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Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Hebrews
The ancient Greeks were culturally elastic, and they intermarried with other communities. They could welcome or tolerate other foreign gods, and they never had geopolitics. They were united and bound together by sharing poems and stories. The society was dominated by male citizens who had a full legal status such as the right to vote, hold office, and own property. Women, immigrants, children, slaves, and laborers had defined roles in the society although there was an interaction between classes. Individuals were separated, and women had no civil rights. The society recognized the value of the individual, but through classes in that, there were subdivisions. They had several gods, some were in line with nature, and others were for basic rules in the society. For example, the Aether god was god for upper air, atmosphere, space, and heaven; the Alastor was god for a family feud. Gods influenced the individual and social relations, for example, they had a god of music, poetry, art (Apollo), they had one for animal husbandry, fruits, and beekeeping (Aristaeus).
Ancient Egypt culture is one of the most celebrated cultures in the world have influenced Greece and Rome it remains a reflecting society in the world. The society held individuals as special kinds. ...
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