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History Milestone 7: Reconstruction of the Post-Civil War Era

Essay Instructions:

Create a draft outline of your project. Submit this in the Module 7 folder. Include a works cited page, which lists all your sources according to CSU-Global's Guide for Writing and APA Requirements.
Include with your message a discussion of your findings and describe any problems you have overcome or need to overcome to have a successful project.
Create Draft Based off of Below Information
For the final Portfolio Project, write a paper about an event in the period of U.S. history up to the era of Reconstruction. This paper must illustrate the perspectives of a specific person or group of people (e.g. freed slaves) within a historically marginalized population. For the purpose of this assignment, we define historically marginalized as people whose perspectives have not been represented in history texts until very recently. Discuss the person's or group's era and experiences in context of what was happening around them, prioritizing their experience rather than the established narratives of the dominant experience. Possible perspectives include those of Anne Hutchinson, Pocahontas, or Sojourner Truth.
This paper must include a discussion of the following topics:
A thorough summary of the event, including the incidents that took place and the key individuals involved
The importance of the event in the larger scope of U.S. history
How the event changed the daily life of the person from whose perspective you are writing
A prediction for how the event will make a long-term impact in the lives of those in the under-represented group from which the perspective is being written (keep in mind that this perspective should be written from the time at which the event took place).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Reconstruction of the Post-Civil War Era
Summary of the Event
Following the end of the Civil War that occurred in 1865, the element of slavery was formally abolished through the inclusion of the Thirteenth Amendment. Due to the freedom of the African Americans and the South’s growing hatred towards slaves, the African Americans were left to suffer harsh instances of discrimination and horrible conditions that saw them left without homes, jobs, education, and money. Given this, the proponents of reconstruction were indicative of the Radical Republicans initiatives and attempts to bring Confederate states to normality through unity that would see the South and North into a single whole country again, thus detailing the significance of this event in the history of America (Fleischman et al 2014). It is important to detail that in as much as slavery was supported by the whites; it left the several millions of the newly freed blacks in the South without education, jobs, and homes. Before the reconstruction era was put in place, the African Americans in the South suffered at the hands of their masters as a result of discrimination. However, during the reconstruction period saw the African Americans change slightly since it helped the government and the African Americans in solving the issues that they faced.
Impact of the Event on the Lives of the Under-Represented Population
On the other hand, Pfeifer (2014) alludes that the reconstruction was also established with the aim of protecting and helping the newly freed African Americans, by assimilating them into a new society and the foreign economy this population was placed. The conditions of the African-Americans in the South before, during, and after the period of reconstruction were consequently considered as harsh. This saw the African Americans before the Reconstruction Era face challenges and struggles in assimilating them into the society that was filled with hatred for slaves (Lang, 2014). The conditions of this community, therefore, improved slightly,...
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