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Racism in American History Post 1865

Essay Instructions:

Students will write a 1,500-word piece celebrating the learning they have accomplished this semester.

You will be required to use lecture and assigned primary and secondary sources. Make sure you cite all material that is not your own original ideas. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the assignment, as this will violate the college’s rules regarding plagiarism.

You are to write in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.

While history papers generally use the Chicago citation method, Links to an external site.I will not require you to be so extensive. You can either footnote or simply use parenthesis to cite a particular idea or quotation with the author and the page number i.e. (Adams, pg. 3);(Lecture 4, slide 10). Remember that any idea that is not your own needs to be properly cited. If you are concerned that you have not properly cited something, either e-mail me or cite the work so you do not have to worry about plagiarism.

I will be grading based on grammar, argument and ability to convey ideas, spelling, sourcing of materials, specificity, and content. Proofreading can only help you.

Students are required to use at least 4 assigned sources (primary and secondary sources). Lessons are good for situating context, but I’m really interested in what your analysis is of the assigned materials as you answer the prompt.

Prompt (Respond with at least 1500 words)

What perceptions did you come into this class with regarding American history post- 1865? How have your perceptions changed about a particular topic(s) and/or individuals? How will you apply what you learned in this course after this term ends? How will you discuss American history since the Civil War within your own community? What topics and themes will you emphasize? (Topics and themes can include changing ideas about race, gender, class, settler colonialism, religion, Indigenous history, segregation, social movements, women’s roles in American society, etc.). Be specific.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American History Post 1865: Race
Institution Affiliation
American History Post 1865: Race
Before coming to this class, I had the perception that after the world war, the civil rights movement gained their freedom, and it was easier to end racial discrimination, considering past events. However, after attending the class, I learned that racial discrimination is deeply rooted in our History, and no matter the efforts in place to end racial discrimination, structural and institutional racism still exist. I will apply what I have learned in class to create more awareness of racism, women's rights, and equality in society. In this paper, I will discuss how I view racism in American history post-1865.
Race is the physical characteristics of an individual that are interpreted or read by other people culturally to represent a particular meaning. The meaning can be good or bad, depending on the user's intention. For instance, individuals can be caucasian, Hispanic, black, or Asian-American, depending on their originality. Essentially, race played a significant role in the making of the American dream and as a country. Historically, race presented power and dynamics of economics, social situations, and politics. Further, before the civil war, power was divided among the powerful elite and the government. The powerful and the elite, mostly white supremacists, used African-Americans as commodities which were traded to provide labor in their plantations and households. Men and strong women performed the hard labor while weaker women took care of the white royalists' households.
Additionally, before the world war, Asian Americans and Black Americans were viewed as commodities by the whites and were traded freely among the elite white Americans to work on their plantations.. They provided cheap labor and faced harsh working conditions and discrimination against white Americans. Further, the family was considered to be a source of strength, which angered the slave masters. They worked hard to separate the families, which gave birth to resistance and rebellion. Further, they were subjected to hard labor and considered possessions rather than humans with rights which aggravated the rebellion.[Matthew Frye Jacobson, “Becoming Caucasian: Vicissitudes of Whiteness in American Politics and Culture,” Identities 8, no. 1 (2001): pp. 83-104, https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289x.2001.9962685.]
Importantly, decades after the civil rights war movement in 1865, racism took another direction and mode. Women played a significant role in the ending of slavery and exploitation. Women provided an industrial labor force and worked under harsh conditions, which were compensated with higher wages. However, the mistreatment in their workplace made them organize protests and strikes. In addition, women did not have the right to own properties and possessions in the 1800s. Having money gave them power within themselves, which resulted in a first-ever strike in the United States. The mill girls and male employees refused to go to work and demanded better treatment in the workplace. The process continued until their voices were heard and they were granted their freedom. However, very few scholars studied or examined the significant role women played towards the end of slavery.[Helen Zia, Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001).]
However, after the civil right war movement in 1865, racial discrimination took another mode to oppress the minority. After the civil war, the white southerners worked and acted fast to end the newly found freedom for black people. They were determined to return blacks to their prewar state of being slaves. Thus, they established new laws that appeared fair and neutral but ideally oppressed black people. These laws were initially regarded as the black code but were later changed to Jim Crow laws. The laws allowed racial segregation, which denied black people the right to vote, right have education, decent housing, hold jobs, and other opportunities.
Jim Crow laws were strict, and those who defied the laws were arrested and imprisoned. The black code dictated where, when and how black people should behave, work, and how much they would be compensated . Further, the legal system was against black people, and former confederate soldiers were the police and judges. This meant that black people had minimal to zero chances of winning legal battles. The sentencing discriminated against black people who received longer sentences compared to white people. In addition, blacks were limited to education and job opportunities and denied quality healthcare even after gaining freedom.[History.com Editors, “Jim Crow Laws,” History.com (A&E Television Networks, February 28, 2018), /topics/early-20th-century-us/jim-crow-laws.]
The topic of racism changed my perception of how I viewed race in the past. Prior, I had the perception that raci...
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