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The Poverty History Essay Research Paper Essay Term Paper

Essay Instructions:

Your final assignment will be to select one of the six themes that we do NOT cover as a class, do the readings related to that theme (yes, ALL of them), and write 3-5 pages evaluating ways that the sixth theme illuminates what you have learned about the period through the other five thematic lenses. Does it duplicate, contradict, enrich, change meanings, highlight perspectives, what? You should have an argument in this essay. This essay will be due Sat, Dec 8, by midnight, in the Essay Folder on Canvas page. The theme I chose is Poverty. The attached attachment is about the poverty, the teacher asked to read. Use poverty to connect with the five themes you've learned before. The five themes I have studied before are the modern history of the United States (1877-present) 1.technology 2.gender 3.immigration 4.race 5. modern time

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The theme of poverty is related to other themes that we studied in class including technology, immigration, modern time, race, and gender. The five themes relate to the modern history of the US from the year 1877 to present. Therefore, the assignment will cover how the theme of poverty relates to the five topics discussed in class.
The issue of fairness among the males and females has been of great concern in the US. Traditionally, women assumed the roles of taking care of children and conducting other domestic chores while men were considered as the bread winners. Majorly, men were the sole decision makers in the society and they participated in economic activities as well as the politics of the nation while women were not recognized in the roles. Further, the domination extended to homes where women greatly suffered in their marriages. As a result, several women activist groups emerged that aimed at fighting for the rights of women in the society. The groups enlightened the society of the sufferings that women were undergoing as a result of the being denied the opportunity to participate in economic and political activities. Moreover, the movements marked the start of the issue of gender equality which is still observed today. However, the theme is related to the issue of poverty as it is argued that one of the factors that contribute to poverty is gender inequality which has been observed in several sectors of the economy. The reason for the argument is that women who have the potential of bringing positive change in the society are not given the chance to make such transitions. Ideally, men occupy most top management positions in the nation even the top political positions including those who are less productive are given priority. Hence, the issue of gender inequality has been seen to be one of the factors that have highly contributed to the increased level of poverty in the nation as women who are more productive than men are left out in the political and economic activities as well as the decision making process.
Another theme that was discussed is technology that has been seen to have changed greatly. Currently, firms compete based on the level of technology that they apply in their activities. There are efficient machines that are used by companies to perform various activities to improve production. The machines improve the amount of production at a reduced cost which leads to more profits to a business that applies such advanced technology. Therefore, firms with the best technology will have a competitive advantage in the market. Unluckily, despite the benefits of technology in improving the size and quality of goods and services, it has been argued that it also increases the rate of poverty within the nation. Ostensibly, machines are seen to be replacing human capital as several workers are laid off and are replaced by machines. However, people depend on the income that they receive from employment to sustain their families and improve their welfare. Hence, the replacement of labor by machines will reduce the income per capita within the nation as only those who own the large businesses will benefit from huge returns while the majority of the population who rely on employment to provide for their families will suffer greatly. Hence, the use of better technology that replaces human capital with machines which are considered to be more effective and efficient in the production process will only improve the poverty level within the nation as there will be no equal distribution of income.
Also, there had been large number of immigrants that have currently been seen in the country. People believe that the US is a land of opportunity and several people move from their motherlands to the US in hope of better life. Apparently, the US is considered the most powerful nation in the world with better economy than any other nation. As a result, several youths who have completed their studies move to the US in search of better job opportunities. However, the improvement in the rate o...
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