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Impact Gun Control on Security. History Essay Paper

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See attached sheet. By answering the question on the sheet to create an essay. Use the article attached for the resources.( the writing on the question sheet is the movie can use for the resources also)

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Impact Gun Control on Security
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Impact Gun Control on Security
The debate on possession and ownership of guns has been raging for a long time. There have been concerted efforts in coming up with and implementing laws aimed at restricting ownership and use of guns. In the United States, however, it has become a controversial issue pitting various sides with different opinions against each. While politicians have been drawn into the debate, there is not yet an agreement on who should own guns, what type of guns should be in the hands of civilians, how they should be used and where they should be carried.
History of Gun Control
Gun control goes back to the slave days. There was a law enacted in 1792 preventing certain people from owning guns. They included black people, Native Americans and white people who were not members of the citizen militia. The 1930s laws were designed to limit ownership of shotguns and machine guns. In addition, they sought to ensure that gun dealers were licensed. After the assassination of key political figures including President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., more gun control laws were passed. Relying on the Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association was formed.
In 1986, more laws were passed with the aim to prohibit the sale of machine guns. In the 1990s, a system intended for checking the background of people applying for gun licenses was established. There was, at the same time, establishment of a law which aimed at banning the ownership of assault weapons including a number of semiautomatic weapons. In 2008, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that individuals had the right to own firearms according to the Second Amendment.
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