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Origins of American Slavery

Essay Instructions:

While reading chapter 3, Creating Anglo America, 1660-1750, it was discussed the origins of American slavery. Since last August 2019, there has been discussion of the 1619 Project. Review the resources and answer the discussion questions.

Resources: https://youtu(dot)be/7xzNyrFhzew



Discussion Questions:

1-What new information did you learn from the videos? Did anything surprise you?

2-What do you think Hannah-Jones means when she calls Black Americans "the true perfectors of American democracy"?

3-What is the role of journalism in shaping national memory?

4-These resources explore under-reported stories of Black Americans' contributions to the U.S. and also examine the lasting impact of American slavery on contemporary systems in the United States. As of late many Americans are questioning the 1619 Project accuracy. Despite the controversy, I want you to take what you have learned and think about some of the consequences of slavery, and make a list of present situations that can be traced back to it.

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1 What new information did you learn from the videos? Did anything surprise you?
CBS This Morning (2019) interviewed Nikole Hannah-Jones and revealed new information on the discrimination against Black Americans from Thomas Jefferson. It is known that Jefferson inherited slaves together with acres of land from his parents, but while he writes that he despises slavery due to its moral depravity, he was also handling around 600 slaves as his prisoners. The discrimination continued and reflected in healthcare where the White Americans do not agree to health laws that benefit the Black Americans the most that are why the United States remained the only western country without a universal health law. Although this was new information, it did not surprise me because it was like a common law in present-day society.
2 What do you think Hannah-Jones means when she calls Black Americans "the true perfectors of American democracy"?
I think the journalist meant that up until now, Black Americans are not recognized as dedicated citizens of the state. Therefore, once they become competent the way White Americans are, there will be a real American Democracy.
3 What is the role of journalism in shaping national memory?
The principal role of journalism is to get the truth to the readers. However, journalism can also be shaped based on the personality or nationality of the journalist. The facts can be twisted or presented as false information, regardless of the truth behind it. Thus, journalism's role is to take control of the narrative of the events (MediaStorm, 2020).
4 These resources ...
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