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Napoleon: A Great Leader of France

Essay Instructions:

Essay- (3-4 pages)

Prompt: By 1815, France was radically different than it was in 1789. The Revolution had destroyed the old Bourbon monarchy and exposed French society to several forms of Constitutionalism. The last part of this process, which was orchestrated by Napoleon Bonaparte guaranteed equality in France but at the cost of surrendering some of their revolutionary gains, especially in the areas of liberty and women’s rights.

Question: Reflecting on Napoleon as someone who is exposed to the philosophy of the Enlightenment, undertake an evaluation of his policies, practices, and impact in determining whether Napoleon was a great leader for France.

Using the documentary film, text, and source reading to complete the essay.

Outline:(1-2 pages)

Napoleonic Era

o Overview

o Political career

o Militarism

Using the documentary film, text, and source reading to complete the outline.

film link:


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Napoleon as a Great Leader of France
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Napoleon as a Great Leader of France
Notably, Napoleon is considered the child of the French revolution. He exploited various opportunities provided by the revolution and developed various changes in society during his regime. Napoleon was a leader who was exposed to the philosophy of the enlightenment. As a result of this, several practices, policies, and impacts made him a great leader of France. This paper will discuss an overview of the Napoleonic era, his political career, militarism, and why he is considered a great France leader.
Napoleonic Era: Overview
The Napoleonic era is a significant period in the history of the French revolution. Generally, it includes the fourth and final stages of the French course. The Napoleonic era started when Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the Directory in November 1799 and established the French Consulate. The Napoleonic ended with Napoleonic's defeat during the hundreds of days at the battle of Waterloo (Sultana, 2017). During the Napoleonic era, Napoleon brought political stability to France, a land divided by war and revolution.
Notably, Napoleon made a peace impact with the Roman Catholic Church and reserved some of the convention's radical religious policies. In 1804, Napoleon publicized the civil code, which was a revised body of civil law. Publication of the civil code was essential in stabilizing French society. The code was vital in affirming all French adults' legal and political equality (Sultana, 2017). Also, it promoted educational and employment advancement by considering their talent and not social class and status.
Additionally, as Napoleon was working towards stabilizing the French community, he aspired to expand his political territory throughout Europe. His army conquered the Italian and Iberian peninsulas and took their land. He forced Prussia, Austria, and Russia to partner with and respected the French domination of Europe. However, the United Kingdom refused to recognize French supremacy and continued with the war. Napoleon ruled the French for 15 years (Sultana, 2017). His primary aim was to create a powerful empire within France and create a French-dominated empire in Europe.
Political career
Napoleon is considered one of the most outstanding self-made leaders in the history of the world. His career began in 1785 after graduating from the military academy in Paris. When the French revolution started in the country, Napoleon saw an opportunity to rise through the political ranks. At the age of 24, Napoleon becomes a brigadier-general after he was injured during the capture of the city of Toulon from royalists. Napoleon became a military advisor to the government and the commander in chief of the French army after he came to the nation's rescue in October 1795. In 1796, Napoleon led the French army and defeated Austria's army in a series of battles, one of the country's main enemies. In 1797, Austria and France signed a peace treaty of Campo Formio that resulted in territorial gains of the French. In 1798, Napoleon was selected to lead an invasion of England. Napoleon thought that the army was not fit to fight; hence, he suggested that they invade Egypt to wipe out India's British trade routes. Afterward, Napoleon led his army in several battles and won (Dickens, 2012). The victory led to his popularity and the establishment of his political career.
Notably, militarism is the desire or belief that a government or state should have a robust military capability that can be used to expand national interests and values. As such, Napoleon took a keen interest in the military force. His training in the military school in Paris played a key in his leadership. His main goal was to establish stability as well as expand his political territory. To achieve this, he had to train his military troops aggressively for war. At a young age, Napoleon was selected as a military leader to fight French enemies and expand its territory. Napoleo...
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