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Near East and Early Greece: Achilles’ Decision

Essay Instructions:

Paper Topic for Paper 2: CLA1 Near East and Early Greece

Specifications: This paper should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1” margins; the minimum word count is 1,000, the max is 1,250. Please include a title, BUT NO dates, course names/numbers, professor’s name, etc. Above the title, only include your first and last name followed by word count and the paper prompt # in the upper right-hand corner of page one. Use a header to insert this information. See above for an example. . Some important guidelines for paper writing: 1) Do not use contractions; i.e., always write ‘is not’ not ‘isn’t’, etc. 2) Do not include introductory comments that tell us about the importance of the work that you are analyzing, or the greatness of its hero, or the beauty of its conception, etc. We all know that the work and its hero are important, so cut to the chase. 3) Be sure to italicize titles of books and long poems: e.g., Iliad. 4) When you make a reference to the Iliad, you should make it to line #s. For example, if you refer to a passage from Book 9, you’d write it like this (9.430-437). The first number is the book number, the numbers after the period are the verse numbers. 5) You should rarely, if ever, quote from the text. Instead, you’ll refer to the incidents, actions, and speech of characters as evidence for your argument, which you’ll reference by book and line numbers. Every time you mention an event or speech from the text in your paper, you must provide a reference to that book and the line numbers. 6) Avoid plot summary. You’re not retelling us the story/plot; you’re using the text as evidence to support an idea that you are trying to prove, one that is not self-evident. In other words, a thesis has to be something that is arguable. Someone should be able to take the same evidence and attempt to prove you wrong. In fact, imagine that this person is reading your paper. This should help you address your reader’s objections as you try to persuade him/her that your interpretation is valid and (perhaps) the best explanation from the evidence in the text. 7) Finally, read your paper aloud before you turn it in. This will help you discover portions that lack clarity. Better yet have a friend or roommate read the paper to you; this is the best way to catch errors. You should never turn in a paper that you have not revised. _________________________________________________

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Achilles’ Decision
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
March 13, 2023
Understanding the various themes of a classic literature is important for a greater appreciation of its contents. It allows readers to peer into how the author has outlined the characters’ personalities in line with the narrative of the story. In this essay, we will be discussing Book 9 of the Iliad, which tells the story of Achilles being visited by three ambassadors - Odysseus, Phoenix, and Ajax - who are sent by Agamemnon to offer him gifts and convince him to return to battle. Despite their compelling arguments in favor of reconciliation, Achilles remains stubborn in his anger towards Agamemnon and refuses to accept the gifts. We will examine the arguments made by both the ambassadors and Achilles, as well as the larger themes of honor, duty, and leadership that are at play in this story. Ultimately, we will consider whether Achilles' pride and sense of honor are justified, or whether they ultimately come at too high a cost.
Achilles’ Decision
In Book 9 of the Iliad, Achilles is visited by three ambassadors - Odysseus, Phoenix, and Ajax - who are sent by Agamemnon to offer him gifts and convince him to return to battle. The ambassadors make compelling arguments in favor of reconciliation, but Achilles remains stubborn in his anger towards Agamemnon. He refuses the gifts, arguing that accepting them would be a sign of weakness and a betrayal of his own honor.
In this part, the first ambassador, Odysseus, appeals to Achilles' sense of duty to the army and the common cause of the Greeks. This was illustrated with Odysseus saying "You have it in you to be what no man ever was - a hero among heroes, the greatest of all Greeks, if only you would accept the gifts that Agamemnon has offered you and return to the battle with all speed" (9.415-419). However, Achilles rejects this argument, stating that his honor has been insulted by Agamemnon's actions and that he will not fight until he is properly compensated.
Phoenix, the second ambassador, also attempts to persuade Achilles through emotional appeals, recounting his own personal experiences and Achilles' childhood memories. He remined Achilles "But if you are full of bitterness, and cannot let your anger go, I urge you to think again: a cruel disaster will come upon us all" (9.487-489). Again, Achilles rejects this argument, maintaining that he will not compromise his honor. Ajax, the third ambassador, tries to convince Achilles through practical reasoning, arguing that even someone who has lost a loved one must accept compensation. However, Achilles remains steadfast in his refusal to accept Agamemnon's gifts.
Despite the a...
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