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Labor and Work in the US: Age Limit and Conditions and the Zong Massacre

Essay Instructions:

This examination is to be completed outside of class. Students are welcome to refer to as many sources as desired in answering these exam questions. There is no time limit or surveillance for this examination.

In this exam, you will write three (3) short essays, one from each color-coded section: Green Page, Blue Page, and Red Page. You may select only one question from each section.

The answer to each question should be approximately 250 words in length (about a single page, double-spaced). Students should ascribe to the rubric for the exam in completing each of the responses.

Our questions are based upon questions that you developed in our course discussions and weekly question posts. So, each page focuses historical issues with which you should be familiar.

Your short essay will express your opinion on the question that you have selected and provide supporting evidence for that opinion.

We have posted information on these historical issues in the Modules section of our Canvas site; however, you are always welcome to bring additional, relevant information from other sources that you feel are pertinent to your short essay. You are not required to use sources outside our Canvas site. You will cite all sources upon which you rely for support. You should use the APA or MLA format for in-text citations within your essays. You will also provide a Works Cited page at the end of the exam (after the three essays) listing all the web sites, articles, books, and other sources that you have quoted.

Be sure to review the rubric that I have included in our syllabus the Midterm Exam Essay Responses. The rubric emphasizes that: 1. You are expressing an opinion on the question raised by the exam; 2. You are providing support (evidence) and reasoning to justify your opinion; 3. You are choosing your words thoughtfully; and 4. You are explaining why the historical question that you have selected is relevant in 2023. The purpose of this exam is for you to learn how to express a cogent opinion on an historical problem that is relevant today


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mid-Term Exam
Name of the Student
Instructor’s Name
Mid-Term Exam
Considering the dangerous working conditions, low wages, and lack of education that children experience in Potosi, should there be a specific age limit enforced to work in the mines, even though their families rely on this income? If so, what age limit and conditions should be enforced? If not, why?
Since its discovery in 1545, Potosi, Bolivia, has exposed many workers to extreme conditions (Lane, 2015). As one of the most productive silver mines in the world, this site hires many laborers. Subsequently, underground mining exposes the workers to many hardships and dangers. The mine has a history of engaging children as part of the workforce. Although these children work to generate an income for their families, an age limit policy of 18 years and above should be enforced to eliminate catastrophic consequences of mental and physical harm for the young population.
Child labor denies children access to education. Their childhood is taken away, exposing them to many social, economic, mental, and physical challenges in adulthood. The age limit for working in the mines should be set to ensure that a worker is of an age that has completed their secondary education. The workers must reveal that they are adults with the ability to make decisions. Given their young age, child labor leads to sexual exploitation and slavery. Children, who cannot make the right decisions, may lack the power and knowledge to air their grievances to their employers. Therefore, issues relating to poor working conditions, low wages, and inadequate social protections will prevail. In Bolivia, one is considered to be an adult at the age of 18 years. Therefore, this should be set as the age limit for mine workers. At the same time, conditions should be set to ensure that all workers are safe. A policy for enforcing occupational health and safety should be implemented to prevent hazards (Andersen et al., 2019). Following this provision, workers should wear the right protective gear, have emergency medical camps near the mines, be provided with effective transport when shifting to new mines, and have access to lengthy leaves.
Without appropriate regulations, Bolivian mines will continue to engage children as workers. These young people will be exploited and abused because they have limited social protections. Establishing 18 years as the age limit for workers in the mines and establishing a law that allows for occupational health and safety will end this problem.
Do you believe that financial reparations are sufficient enough in justifying the actions that took place during the Zong massacre? If you do not think that financial reparations are enough, what other actions could be taken to amend these actions?
Zong massacre entailed throwing enslaved people overboard by slavers to benefit from insurance. At the time, just like cargo, slave traders could insure their enslaved (“Labor history, and restorative reparations,” n.d.; AAREG, n.d.). Therefore, they could be compensated if an enslaved person died in their possession. This decision led to a lawsuit that determined insurers should no longer pay slavers for individuals thrown overboard in the sea. The financial reparation was insufficient to justify the actions during the Zhong massacre.
The ruling regarding financial reparation still left enslaved people, who were humans, being treated as cargo. Slave trader...
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