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Major Reforms of the Progressive Era

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Please write a two page essay in which you trace at least three major reforms of the Progressive Era. What were the major issues that were being addressed? Why were they important? How were they addressed by reformers?

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Reforms of the Progressive Era

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Reforms of the Progressive Era

Over the years, the progressive era has been discussed by most people because its reforms played a major role in improving society. One of the reforms was the settlement house movement, where the white, college-educated women and upper-middle class were looking to make a societal difference by improving the slum dwellers' lives by offering them child care and education, teaching them English while helping other immigrants to secure jobs and culturally lifting them. The House and Sanitation reform was the next where the progressive reformers encouraged cities to pass legislation to set up new housing standards and sanitation matters such as garbage pick-up and sewage systems. The next reform was the anti-prostitution campaign, which prohibited interstate women's transportation for immoral reasons. The next reform was woman suffrage, which secured women's rights to vote despite their race, ethnicity, and class (Moravec et al., 2020). Factory safety regulations also limited workers' working hours, their compensation due to injury and women restrictions, and child labor.

These reforms were aimed to address the issues that were happening in the society. One of the issues that they were addressing was the housing problems that most immigrants were having since most of them were living in slums, which had many risks. Furthermore,

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