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The Land Reform Movement in China

Essay Instructions:

Yuan-tsung Chen's The Dragon's Village and Yu Liu's “Why Did It Go so High? Political Mobilization and Agricultural Collectivization in China” both deal with the land reform movement in China. Chen's book is a memoir; Liu's article is a scholarly analysis. For this essay assignment, you are required to use Dragon's Village to evaluate the argument presented in “Why Did it Go so High?” Does the evidence presented in Dragon's Village confirm Liu's findings, or call them into question? Note that in writing your essay, you are free to focus on a particular part or parts of Liu's argument—there's no need to evaluate the entire argument. (Indeed, you most likely do not have the background to evaluate her comparisons with the Soviet Union.) You should also feel free to discuss problems and limitations of Dragon's Village as a source.

Your essay should be approximately 1200 words (about five pages) and is due on April 10, at 10 AM. Please do not bring a hardcopy to class. Instead, upload your paper using the “upload assignments” tab on Blackboard. Papers submitted after the deadline will be marked by the system as “late,” and will be downgraded. As on your last essay, you will be judged by the extent to which:
You offer a sound and convincing argument;
You demonstrate careful reading of the sources;
You include ideas from lecture and other assigned readings as appropriate;
You craft a well-written and well-constructed essay;
You demonstrate understanding of the history presented thus far in class;
You are able to write a paper that is free of careless errors.

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The land reform movement in China
The collectivization of agriculture had a massive impact on the life of the Chinese population where 80 percent of the population were peasants. It was a complicated process due to feudal traditions that had prevailed for thousands of years. Also, after the first land reforms in 1950, capitalist tendencies had emerged on the part of the new small landowners. Collectivization led to class struggles between small and middle-class peasants against the rich. Almost 310 million people took part in the land reform movement of the newly liberated areas. About 300 million farmers were allocated 47million hectares of land and farm tools, livestock and structures. This paper shows that the evidence in the dragon's village confirms the Liu's findings.
Then dragon's village is an extraordinary autobiographical story that is compelling and deeply personal. It plunges readers into the tumultuous period in China that brought about the modern people's republic. The mass movement was a very unconventional political method used by the Chinese, (Perkins, 2017). It was superior to regular organizational means and hence used for many years as a suitable and sufficient instrument of mobilization and governance. The main features of the Chinese Communist mass movement involved the mobilized political involvement of the vast rural masses. It also included state power's direct participation in agrarian society, class categorization, and class struggle.
Readers can look through the eyes of Guan Ling-ling who is a headstrong and idealistic young girl and see what happened during the land reforms. It provides insight into the rest of the world the occurrences during the movement, (Giles, & Mu, 2017). The continuous mass movement resulted into the tension between the dynamics of social transformation and the norms of social governance. The dragon's village indicates the differences in social classes that were present at the time in China.it also show the conflicts that arose from the land reform movement.
Guan Ling-ling was from a stable family that owned their land in Hong Kong. Her family leaves Hong Kong due o the uncertainty around their safety since they were landowners. Ling-long was bold to stay behind though she did not comprehend the proceedings at the time. She joins the revolution and ends up leaving the city to carry out reforms in the Chinese countryside, (Giles, & Mu, 2017). When she gets to the rural village, she can barely understand the lives she is meant to change since it is o different from what she had been used to. This show the difference in social status that was there at the time between the city and the rural areas.
The war between the low-class peasants who were farmers and landowners resulted in displacement and even death of the landowners. Some landowners did not want to give up their land, and even farm produce. Some also went to the extent of killing all their animals eating them to avoid giving them up, (Thomson, 2017). The agricultural collectivization helped in ensuring that even the peasants were able to gain food products easily. This occurred since all food products and farm produce were to be given up to the central government to share with all.
The national agricultural reforms that occurred from 1950 to the spring of 1953 had a significant impact on the people of China. In other places of the country, the law of collectivization was executed with more force than required, (Perkins, 2017). This led to mistreatment of former landlords since they had been regarded as the few high-class individuals in the society. The several means of production were reallocated among 300 million farmers who had no land. Only areas occupied by the marginal nationalities had not been affected by the Law.
Before the land reform law was promulgated, the CCP experimented the measures of returning the land to the vast numbers of peasants in China, (Thomson, 2017). The experiments happened in areas where the party had a stronghold. The area included Jiangxi Soviet and Yan'an which had experienced numerous radical facets. It resulted in abolishment of land ownership by landlords and the introduction of peasant land ownership. This resulted in most peasant families holding a title deed for their section of land for the very first time. A new component was presented in 1950 that the expansion of agrarian production would lead to the industrial development of China.
At the end of the 1953 spring, land reforms were mainly complete except Taiwan and the ethnic minority regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. The peasants had achieved genuine liberation since they also owned land of their own. The feudal system of holding groun...
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