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Labor and Work in the U.S. Before the End of Reconstruction

Essay Instructions:

History of Labor and Work in the U.S. Before the End of Reconstruction

Midterm Examination Spring 2023

This examination is to be completed outside of class. Students are welcome to refer to as many sources as desired in answering these exam questions. There is no time limit or surveillance for this examination. The due date for returning the answers is March 18, 2023. You will post your responses on our Canvas site.

In this exam, you will write three (3) short essays, one from each color-coded section: Green Page, Blue Page, and Red Page. You may select only one question from each section.

The answer to each question should be approximately 250 words in length (about a single page, double-spaced). Students should ascribe to the rubric for the exam in completing each of the responses.

Our questions are based upon questions that you developed in our course discussions and weekly question posts. So, each page focuses historical issues with which you should be familiar.

Your short essay will express your opinion on the question that you have selected and provide supporting evidence for that opinion.

We have posted information on these historical issues in the Modules section of our Canvas site; however, you are always welcome to bring additional, relevant information from other sources that you feel are pertinent to your short essay. You are not required to use sources outside our Canvas site. You will cite all sources upon which you rely for support. You should use the APA or MLA format for in-text citations within your essays. You will also provide a Works Cited page at the end of the exam (after the three essays) listing all the web sites, articles, books, and other sources that you have quoted.

Be sure to review the rubric that I have included in our syllabus the Midterm Exam Essay Responses. The rubric emphasizes that: 1. You are expressing an opinion on the question raised by the exam; 2. You are providing support (evidence) and reasoning to justify your opinion; 3. You are choosing your words thoughtfully; and 4. You are explaining why the historical question that you have selected is relevant in 2023. The purpose of this exam is for you to learn how to express a cogent opinion on an historical problem that is relevant today.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Exam. Thanks for your attention and for your diligent work!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Midterm Exam
Due Date
Midterm Exams
Green Question 2
Many factors contribute to the unsafe working conditions and exploitation of miners, including economic, political, and social factors. A major issue is that many mining companies prioritize profits over the safety and well-being of their workers. They may cut corners on safety measures, ignore safety regulations, or fail to provide adequate training and equipment to their workers. This is often exacerbated in countries with weak labor laws and enforcement mechanisms. In such scenarios, mine operators are not required to put in place measures that guarantee the safety of the workers and tend to direct their effort toward meeting production safety and reducing costs. With a lax operating environment, it is easy for mining companies to cut corners in various unscrupulous ways.
Another issue is the prevalence of poverty and lack of opportunities in many mining communities, which can lead families to rely on child labor to survive. Even when laws exist to prohibit child labor, they may not be enforced, and families may be willing to risk their children's safety to make ends meet. In many cases, child labor in mining is seen as a way for families to earn money quickly, as the work can be dangerous and demanding, and may require little education or training. Children may be employed to perform tasks such as carrying heavy loads, sorting, and washing minerals, and working in underground tunnels.
Additionally, poverty can contribute to a lack of access to education and other opportunities, which can limit the options available to children and their families. Without access to education or other forms of skill-building, children may be more likely to end up in dangerous and exploitative work, including in the mining sector.
Blue Question 5
The idea that we should simply leave history in the past and not make any attempts to pay reparations is flawed for several reasons. First, the effects of historical injustices like slavery and colonialism continue to shape our societies and create ongoing inequalities. These legacies can be seen in disparities in wealth, education, and access to opportunities, among other areas. The injustices are not only evident in America, but also in the African countries where the slaves originated owing to the loss of healthy and productive citizens experienced by the slaves’ countries of origin (Davidson, 1964).
Second, reparations can be an important way to acknowledge and address past wrongs and to provide a measure of justice for those who have been harmed. This can help to promote healing and reconciliation and to build a more equitable society. Swarns (2016) observes that the use of financial reparations is the first step th...
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