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King Philip's War Through the Eyes of King Philip

Essay Instructions:

This paper is written about King Philip's war through the eyes of King Philip. Paper is due Sunday, Sept 27, 2015 by 10:00pm.

For the final Portfolio Project, write a paper about an event in a period of U.S. history up to Reconstruction. This paper must be written from the perspective of a specific historical figure from an under-represented population. Use this assignment as an opportunity to create an account from your subject's perspective, to tell a history that people might not have seen interpreted the way you interpret it. Represent the person's era and experience in context of what was happening around them, prioritizing their experience rather than the dominant experience. Possible perspectives include that of Anne Hutchinson, Pocahontas, or Sojourner Truth.

This paper must include a discussion of the following topics:

A thorough summary of the event, including the incidents that took place and the key individuals involved

The importance of the event in the larger scope of U.S. history

How the event changed the daily life of the person from whose perspective you are writing

A prediction for how the event will make a long-term impact in the lives of those in the under-represented group from which the perspective is being written (keep in mind that this perspective should be written from the time at which the event took place).

Please adhere to the following requirements for the paper:

Adhere to CSU-Global Guide for Writing and APA Requirements

Consist of at least four full pages but no more than six pages

Use at least five sources, including a scholarly journal article

Have an introduction and strong thesis

Make use of historical evidence and examples supporting your thesis

Finish with a forceful conclusion reiterating your main idea.

References (here is some reference materials i found for you to use if you want.

Bilmes, D. (2011). King Phillip's Wars: The History & Legacy of America's Forgotten Conflict. School Library Journal, 57(8), 49.

Billy J. Stratton (2013) Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip's War. University of Arizona Press; 2nd edition

Britannica.com (2015) Metacom biography-Wampanoag Leader. Received from: http://www(dot)britannica(dot)com/biography/Metacom

Daniel Mandell (2007) King Philip's War: The Conflict Over New England (Landmark Events in Native American History) Chelsea House Pub; 2nd edition

Domer, R. G. (2004, 12). King Philip's FEROCIOUS WAR. Military History, 21, 54-60,88. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/212601568?accountid=38569

History.Com (2015) King Philip War. Received from: http://www(dot)history(dot)com/topics/native-american-history/king-philips-war

History Net (2015) King Philip’s War: Indian Chieftain’s War Against the New England Colonies. Received from: http://www(dot)historynet(dot)com/king-philips-war-indian-chieftains-war-against-the-new-england-colonies.htm

James Drake (2000) King Philip's War: Civil War in New England, 1675-1676 (Native Americans of the Northeast: Culture, History, & the Contemporary) University of Massachusetts Press; 2nd edition

Juli, H. D. (1999). After king Philip’s war: Presence and persistence in Indian New England. Ethnohistory, 46(1), 190-192. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/209769224?accountid=38569

Lafantasie, G. W. (2004, 04). THE LONG SHADOW OF KING PHILIP. American History, 39, 58-67. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/224057687?accountid=38569

Plane, A. M. (2000). King Philip's war: Civil war in New England, 1675-1676 / dominion and civility: English imperialism and native America, 1586-1685. The New England Quarterly, 73(4), 669-675. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/215257297?accountid=38569

RANLET, P. (2011). King Philip's War: Colonial Expansion, Native Resistance, and the End of Indian Sovereignty - By Daniel R. Mandell. History, 96(323), 370-371. Doi: 10.1111/j.1468-229X.2011.00524_14.x

Rubertone, P. E. (1999). The name of war: King Philip’s war and the origins of American identity. The Journal of American History, 85(4), 1548-1549. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/224906540?accountid=38569

Synonym.com (2015) Impact of King Philip's War on the Colonies & Native Americans. Received from: http://classroom(dot)synonym(dot)com/impact-king-philips-war-colonies-native-americans-19823.html

Warpaths2peacepipes.com (n.d) Metacomet. Received from: http://www(dot)warpaths2peacepipes(dot)com/native-american-stories/metacomet.htm

Essay Sample Content Preview:

King Philip’s war through the eyes of King Philip
In the 17th century, colonial New England experienced a memorable war, dubbed King Philip’s war. The upheaval arose from a socio-political conflict between the colonists and the indigenous people, mainly the American Indians. The war was greatly triggered by the colonists’ exercise of power over the indigenous people, including taking possession of the people’s land. The brain behind the war, King Philip, saw this phenomenon as a great threat to the sovereignty of his people. He sought to lead an uprising against the colonists, a move that saw a great number of people killed and massive property destroyed. This essay seeks to give the event a broader perspective, by expounding on the importance of the event in the larger scope of U.S history, how the event changed the daily life of the person(s) affiliated with the war and a prediction of how the event will make a long-term impact in the lives of those in the under-represented group, mainly the native Indian tribes, in the perspective of the time at which the event took place. This paper is about King Phillip’s war, as seen through his eyes.
King Philip’s birth name was Metacom or Metacomet. He acquired the name ‘King Philip’ as a nickname from the English people. He saw this name as some sort of sarcasm because of his arrogantly superior mannerisms, unlike his father, Massasoit Philip of Pokanet or Sachem – intertribal leader, who had managed to develop friendly relations with the Plymouth pilgrims. King Philip felt that the title was also ironical, bearing in mind that he led the American Indians to war against the English colonists, while his father had been a peace-loving man, who had managed to nurture a peaceful co-existence with the English colonizers of Massachusetts and Rhode Island for decades. His father’s kindness turned into a curse, through his rebellious attitude at the time of war.
King Philip felt that he had a role to play in the liberation of his people at the hands of the colonists. When his father died in 1661, King Philip took over the role of sachem. During this time, he observed an unpleasant state of affairs, characterized by the barter trade kind of deal between the Indians and the English colonists; the Indians exchanged their land for English fire arms, liquor and blankets. King Philip saw this deal as a threat to indigenous sovereignty. Worse yet, the colonizers humiliated him and his people further, by compelling him to sign a new peace agreement, including the surrender of Indian guns. For thirteen years, he stirred a wave of a looming Indian uprising. Eventually, in June 1675, King Philip led a group of indigenous people that include the Wampanoag and Narraganset into the war of resistance in New England, King Philip’s war (Plane, 2014).
Colonialism is bound to face resistance in any region as the struggle to uphold indigenous sovereignty continues. The war began when a band of Wampanoag warriors raided the border settlement of Swansea and Massachusetts, and also massacred the English colonists there, due to their invasion upon the Indian land. In search of a solution to the rising upheavals between Native American and the Indians, the English sought King Philip’s intervention, chief of the Wampanoag, demanding that he orders his forces to surrender their arms. The Wampanoag complied. Unfortunately, one Christian Native American by the name John Sassamon was murdered in 1675, for acting as an informer to the English. This incident led to the trying and execution of three Wampanoag by Plymouth authorities. King Philip felt that he had no other option but to hit back. He therefore ordered another attack on Swansea on June 24th, 1675. The order triggered a deadly raid by the Wampanoag, who destroyed several settlements and massacred a number of colonists in the region. The colonists hit back by looting a couple of Indian villages. Residents of one Indian village, Narragansett retaliated to the destruction and a few months later, they were joined by other tribes and all the New England colonies. However, in early 1676, the Narragansetts and their allies, the likes of Wampanoag, were defeated. Mandell (2010) states that the war was ultimately over sovereignty as well as land.
King Philip was distraught because of the many lives that were lost, and the severe consequences of t...
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