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Athenians Culture, Customs, and Political Philosophy from Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus

Essay Instructions:

Develop an essay with a particuLar thesis/angle of approach with direct reference to the text(s)- it ts likely easier for the .st essay to cluxise Horace ()R Xenophon.. This may involve a major thematic clement, event or series of events, cultural or religious aspect, or a persona (I !mace, Horace poet, Horace as fiiend/spumed lover, Xenophon as panicipant in thc March of the Ten Thousand, Xenophon as leader [general/situ/sup. In essence, something about the text that may be investigated further and which was suggested by the text: E.g.: Xenophon's text is about the predicament of the Greek mercenary amw, then his prominent role in their escape and deliverance; it is about various Greek-speakers who could be called 'Hellenes,' about Greek values, gods, and politics. But is also a text about others - inh first instance they much eastward in the pay of thc Petsian claimant to the throne, Cyrus thc Younger, through territory of Anatolian (ancient Turkey] groups stack 23 Phtygians and Cilicians into thc Babylonian and Assyrian provinces of Persian empire (what is now modem 1,, ancient MesoNtotraa). Stranded, surrounded by hostile troops under Persian satraps loyal to Artaxerxes, they head north, through Carduchians territoryely the Kurds) that rises in elevation until they come to the border between Carduchian lands and \Western Armenia: Once Chirisophus and Xenophon had greeted each other, thcy questioned the village headman together, with the help of the Persian-speaking translator. They asked him what country they were in, and he said 'Armenia' (Book 4, p. 94). Persian auxiliaries and mercenaries dog their steps . thcy make thcir way through mountains passes- Persian, Mcde, Mardian, Chaldean- as do local villagers of various 16.8, out of fear of the Greek army or fear of retribution from Artaxerxes. They march further northward then na.xag through hmountains of Western Armenia, nu. territory of Macronians. Scythenians. Chalybians. Taochians, Phasians, Colchians, Thracians, Mossynoecians, Paphlagomans, Tibarenians, Mariandynians, Bithynians, Thynians, and othcr tribes whose names were not known or recorded. But Xenophon's interes. are worth noting - occasionally takes tfine out fortn the main narrative of the "march up-country" to observe local customs and traditions, often with the aid of translators. Carduchian territory [central-northern to northcm Iraq]: "Aftenvards, witlt the whole Greek army reunited, they made camp there, surrounded by beautiful houses. 'Iltere was no shortage of supplies, and there was plenty of wine too, which thc Carduchians 679 25 pLister-lined cisterns" ( Book 4, p. 83). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
As a young man, Xenophon was an Athenian and a son to Gryllus. Despite the young age of Xenophon, decided to join the military army that was led by Cyrus fighting against Artaxerxes. It is from the events that took place that Xenophon decides to write about the expeditions in his book Anabasis. Moreover, Xenophon explains on how his leader recruited many soldiers in the army in order to strengthen themselves against their enemies. They fought tirelessly against the other army and finally they won the war. However, Cyrus was killed and Xenophon was appointed as one of the leaders of the army. Moreover, it explains on the hurdles that they encountered by the army in their journey back home. This argument is based on the Athenians culture and customs and political philosophy.
From the text it is evident that the move by Xenophon to join the army was initiated by a friend who persuaded him to join. The military's motive was to protect to ensure protection on the borders that were under threats from the enemies. When Xenophon travels back to Greece he was willing to continue to lead the army that at this particular time was under his control. However, there was a ruling that Xenophon was evicted from the army by the other leaders though after years the verdict was uplifted but Xenophon was not willing to return to Athens. However, despite the opposition from others on the leadership of Xenophon, the Spartans appreciated his role as a leader and decided to award him with an estate that was located near Olympia. The battles continued even after the retirement of Xenophon until the city of Sparta was defeated by the enemies. From the book it is also evident that Cyrus led a lavish life. He resided in a palace that was located in a large park that had many wild beasts and could hunt using horses at any time he wanted (Allpress, 1845 .Pg. 7)
The political philosophy of Xenophon is considered to be controversial and even against the democratic values of the Athenians. Moreover, his political philosophy was based on the teachings by his military leader by the name Cyrus. However, he was more interested with the Spartan way of leadership (Fox, 2004). It is also believed that the leadership and politics in him was acquired in the time that he served in the army as a soldier and as a leader after the death of Cyrus. Before his death we can see that Cyrus also faced some opposition from Clearchus who tried to mobilize the soldiers to rebel against him (Allpress, 1845.pg.13)During the war, both militaries were well armed but due to the extra skills that they had is what made them become victorious in the war. Despite them winning the war, a number of lives were lost in the process and the earth was stained with a lot of blood.
There were also many of the weapons that were used during the war that lay down on the earth after the death of many solders. Some of the leadership traits exhibited by Xenophon was that he created confidence that enabled them to believe that they were able in conquering the enemies in the war (Fox, 2004). This highly created a spirit of unity among the soldiers hence was capable of enduring any enemy that they encountered during the war. Moreover, Xenophon promised the soldiers that there were many favors that they would be accorded to including many goods after the war. This highly motivated and...
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