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One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich Book By Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Essay Instructions:

To complete this paper, answer the 3 questions in your syllabus (top of page 4).

For a great paper, remember the following:

1. Answer the questions, in order. Do NOT copy the questions. Write at least one complete paragraph for each question. (The entire paper should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages long.) DO NOT summarize the plot of the book, and only answer the questions.

2. In each part of the paper, give specific examples to support the answer. For example, if the first answer includes a statement that "Frankenstein was a response to mechanism" you need to follow with specific examples from 3 parts of the book. Use examples from different parts of the book: all examples should not come from the first 2 chapters!

3. After each example, give a page citation to give the location of the example. Use a page number, in parenthesis, only. [ (10) , not (page 10) ]

4. Note: an example is NOT a quotation. AVOID quotations in short papers like this one; I want to read your words, not the words of the book!

5. Avoid using "I think...." or "You will see...." Just write clearly the answers to the questions, and leave out "I" and "you."

6. At the end of the paper, include a Works Cited listing that shows the edition of the book that you used. Follow MLA format, found in http://www(dot)calstatela(dot)edu/library/guides/3mla.pdf OR use easybib.com or another site that helps you set up MLA format. (I will use this to check your citations)

7. Write the paper in Word, double-space, and post here on Blackboard. After posting, check the Safe Assign score; if it is higher than 15%, review the Safe Assign report and revise as needed to remove any parts that may be quoted from someone else. The assignment is set up to allow you to submit twice, if necessary, and the last submission will be graded. Here are the question to be followed

1. Historical issue: Name the approximate time period for the story, and tell what historical issue is central in the story. What "-ism" is part of this? Give example and explain.

2. Describe the problem faced by a major character in the book, and tell how this person responds to the problem. Does the character fight against the conditions that threaten him/her; or does the character accommodate to them? Give examples and explain.

3. What does this reading say to us in 2019? Do persons today face any similar problems? Give examples from the book that you think have importance today.

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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Even though World War II had ended in 1945, millions of people were displaced into labor camps and became prisoners. For instance according to scholars the number of imprisoned laborers in the gulag system of Soviet Union was estimated to be 15 million post- World War II (The Glencoe Literature Library 12). Meanwhile, the book “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn described a typical day of prisoners in a forced-labor camp. Its setting was in a freezing Siberian prison camp (90) around January, 1951 (27). For further understanding, this paper aims to discuss the historical context, major character and present significance of Solzhenitsyn’s book.
.Amidst his imprisonment, Solzhenitsyn wrote this novel during the leadership of Joseph Stalin in Russia where totalitarianism prevailed. Totalitarianism is a form of government that takes full and centralized control over the whole aspects of its citizens. Consequently, totalitarian leaders used terror, violence, biased propaganda and religious persecutions to achieve their goal. The principles of freedom, human dignity and individualism were rejected during this time (Totalitarianism Case Study: Stalinist Russia 440). As seen in the novel, prisoners were identified using their numbered black coats instead of their names (Solzhenitsyn 15), intimidated with body searches and punished brutally for every misconduct. Additionally, prisoner workers were forced in the construction of infrastructures towards industrialization, such as power plants as seen in the book. Most of all, they were treated worse than the animals with inadequate clothing, warmth and food.
The main character of the book is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, a former carpenter who was charged with ten years of imprisonment due to treason (Solzhenitsyn 41). Despite their harsh and hopeless environment, Ivan remained positive and hardworking. For instance, he finished his work impeccably as a bricklayer even though he was not feeling well and his colleague...
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