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Saint Thomas Aquinas' Profile

Essay Instructions:

Intro to Philosophy Final Project

Philosopher: Ch. 17: Martin Heidegger

Rather than the typical final exam consisting of several pages of multiple choice questions covering everything we read and discussed in this course, your final for this course will consist of a short 4-5 page paper. Please compose your essay using MS Word. Be sure to save your essay in the following format: 

       • PhilFinal(your initials).doc
It is important that you include your first and last name INITIALS as well as the ".doc" extension. Then submit your paper as an attachment. Your final paper should be created as a separate MS Word document or text file and submitted as an attachment to the assignment.

Format For Your Final

In the upper left corner of your paper, single spaced, include the following information:
    Your Name
    Philosopher Profile

Return 3 lines and create an interesting title for your paper (DO NOT use my topic title as the title of your paper or something stale like MY PHILOSOPHY PAPER ). Center your creative title on the page. Come down 2 more lines and write your paper, double spaced, using a 12 point standard font (Times, Ariel, Verdana) and margins not more than 1 inch all around.


 1. Select one of the philosophers we did not cover during our class, from the list found in the section below titled "PICKING MY PHILOSOPHER."

 2. You may NOT select the same philosopher as another classmate. (NOTE: First in, first choice! Make your selection early to reserve YOUR philosopher!)

 3. Read the material on your philosopher found in our textbook (TIP: check the index in the back of our book for page locations), and explore other reputable outside resources as well. In your paper, cover the 4 basic areas that follow:

    A. Begin with KEY BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION about your philosopher -- where and when they were born and grew up, important background, schooling, major influences, events, etc.

    B. Explain the KEY PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS, concepts, principles, developments, contributions of your philosopher and where they fit into the "Archetypes of Wisdom."

    C. Identify KEY PUBLICATIONS, writings, books, treatises, other works.

    D. Explain the KEY REVIEWS, critiques, pros and cons of your philosopher by others.

 4. Finally, give YOUR personal thoughts about your philosopher and their ideas, including your final "take away" from your review of their philosophy.

NOTE -- Be sure to use your best English (grammar, spelling, mechanics, etc.) and the appropriate academic format, style, and form always using your own words and ideas supported with specific examples and quotations properly cited to support those ideas.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Prof. Johnson
Philosopher Profile
In the scholarly field, various philosophical scholars have contributed by sharing their ideas on issues. Renowned philosophical scholars present their ideas and go-ahead to provide the basis of their arguments. Despite philosophical scholars sharing their independent thoughts, other different scholars can challenge one another's philosophy. Popular philosophical scholars include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Karl Max, and Thomas Aquinas. For this paper, the focus will be directed on Thomas Aquinas, who hailed from Italy. Thomas Aquinas is believed to have been born between 1224-25 in Roccasecca, around Aquino, in the Kingdom of Sicily (Italy). Aquinas sought education primary education from Naples in the house of Benedictine. Saint Thomas Aquinas went further to study at the University of Naples, where he secretly joined Dominican monks. Drawing inspiration from the works of Aristotle, Aquinas came up with his conclusions. Thomas Aquinas's findings from the premises of Aristotelian centered on the metaphysics of personality, creation, and providence. Aquinas's interest was majorly on a life of spiritual service.
Concerning theology and philosophy, Thomas Aquinas developed philosophies related to theology. During the medieval age, the connection between philosophy (reason) and theology (faith) was controversial. Saint Thomas, therefore, took the initiative of discussing faith and reason's roles in perceiving and proving that God exists. In his philosophical ideas, Thomas Aquinas believed that God exists by providing five ways to support his argument. These five ways include observation of movement in the world as proof that God exists, identifying God as the cause of everything, impermanent nature of beings shows the existence of a Supreme being God, noticing levels of human perfection and thus a Supreme being must be existing and finally stating that human beings could not be having intelligence if not granted by God. From a more general perspective, Thomas tasked himself is mainly protecting God's image. Thomas Aquinas is an iconic figure when it comes to the field of philosophy and theology too.
As a prolific writer, Aquinas managed to pen down approximately 60 recognized works in which some were handwritten copies. Among Thomas Aquinas' works, a wide variety of topics were covered, for example, discussions of Aristotle's writings and commentaries on the Bible. Impugnantes Dei cultum et religionem was a famous theology work for which Saint Thomas is remembered for his tenure at the University of Paris. Other commentaries by Aq...
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