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A Sample Title Page for All Students Using Turabian Format

Essay Instructions:

The student will select ONE (1) of the topics below and fully address all the questions it contains in a 5-page research paper.

• Discuss some traditional approaches to government in Virginia throughout the Colonial, Antebellum and Reconstruction eras. How did the political changes of the 20th century (1900s) impact Virginia’s traditional political approaches?

• Explain the differing positions between federalism and anti-federalism in Virginia during the debate over ratifying the U.S. Constitution. How did these differing viewpoints concerning the role of the federal government linger through the state during the Antebellum era? What 20th century (1900s) political debates in Virginia also had their roots in that disagreement?

• Trace Virginia’s civil rights struggle from the colonial era through today. What were periods of strides forward and setbacks? Identify a current issue (since 2010) in Virginia that has its roots in that struggle.

Review your sources, pull the ideas out that you find relevant to your topic, and then draw your own conclusions from them. Incorporate your sources into your own findings to lend credibility to your work and demonstrate you have researched the topic to the point where you understand what others have concluded about it and can reasonably draw your own conclusions and contribute new scholarship to the topic.

In a short paper like this, avoid using too many direct quotes from your source. A good rule of thumb is to paraphrase the information unless you will change the meaning by doing so, or if the quote is pithy and the phrasing contributes to the meaning. Therefore, be sure to mostly paraphrase the information you pull from your sources, putting their idea completely into your own words. Remember, a paraphrase needs a citation in the same way a direct quote does. For any direct quotes you do use, be sure to integrate them correctly and not just include them as standalone sentences.

The research paper must contain a properly formatted bibliography and in-text citations (footnotes) for all direct quotations and paraphrases. Any paper lacking both will receive an automatic 25% grade reduction.

The student is encouraged to look at the instructor’s feedback on the annotated bibliography assignment from Module/Week 6, and incorporate it into the final bibliography that is submitted with this paper.

The research paper must be written in current Turabian format, double spaced in 12 pt. font, have a minimum of 3 scholarly sources (not counting the textbook or Bible), and be a minimum of 5 full pages in length (not counting a title page or the bibliography).

Review the Research Paper Grading Rubric before submitting and verify the research paper meets those expectations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Sample Title Page for All Students Using Turabian Format 
April 30, 2020
The 20th Century is characterized as one of the transformative eras in several parts of the world. This is particularly so in the United States due to its effects in the overall political, economic, and ideological landscape of the nation. For example, changes in terms of the modes of production (i.e., agriculture), technological advances, and ideological paradigms (i.e., reduction in segregation) have shaped the American nation as we know today. In this paper, I would like to focus on the traditional approaches in government administration that existed in the State of Virginia as well as how such approaches were influenced by the colonial, antebellum, and reconstruction eras. This analysis includes an insight into changes in technology, society, economy, and ideology, among others that brought about the influences to this approach.
Changes in the 20th Century
Some of the main changes that happened in the traditional approaches to government in Virginia were those that brought about by ‘changes in the modes of production’. Prior the 20th Century, the State was largely characterized by agricultural practices. For example, in Southern Virginia, former slaves who were then freed after the American Civil War engaged in sharecropping practices. During those times sharecropping proved to be the means for sustenance since it provided food and shelter for their families. This is particularly so during the Antebellum era there are still plenty of farmers who enslaved and were not even paid for their dues.[Virginia Museum of History and Culture. Rural Life in Virginia. n.d. /collections-and-resources/virginia-history-explorer/rural-life-virginia (accessed March 9, 2021).] [LeCount, Charles. Agricultural Economy of Antebellum Life. January 1, 1996. /agriculture/antebellum (accessed March 9, 2021).]
During the Reconstruction Era, the widespread poverty made sharecropping an even more dominant mode of production in Virginia. Since several ...
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