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The Political Positions of the 1800 Elections. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

M4A1: In This Important Election…

This assignment addresses the following outcomes:

• Using a historical perspective and evidence, plan and write an argument that highlights the major political positions of the election of 1800. (CO#2, CO#7/History Program Outcome 1)

In this paper, you will write an editorial urging your readers to vote a particular way in the election of 1800.

You are either a Federalist or a Republican newspaper editor in 1800. Write an editorial of 3 pages (750 words) explaining:

• In light of the campaign issues, why should voters support your party’s platform and its candidates?

• Why does your candidate best represent the principle of faithfulness to the Constitution?

In the 1700s/1800s, newspapers were typically owned by a member of a particular party; you will not have to worry about arguing objectively, but be sure that your argument reflects the arguments of the late 1700s/early 1800s and not a perspective we might hold today.

While this is to be written in the form of an editorial, this class assignment requires citations/footnotes and a reference list of sources used (including internet sources) in APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Chicago/Turabian (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. format.

Conducting independent research for this assignment will help you learn the research skills necessary for your final project.

You must include at least one outside primary or secondary source beyond the course readings for this week. It can be either a scholarly secondary source from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or a primary source from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or from this list of pre-approved primary source websites in US History (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You should NOT use non-scholarly websites such as Wikipedia. If you have questions about finding appropriate sources, please contact your instructor.

For help on locating appropriate sources consult the following Library resources:

• Scholarly vs. Popular Sources: What’s the Difference? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Peer-Reviewed Articles: What are they? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Finding Primary Sources in the Library Databases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Political Positions of the 1800 Elections
The Political Positions of the 1800 Elections
Instead of the constitution strengthening the bond within government, it has led to a political divide between the Federal and the Republican Party. At the moment, every party has a version of how the constitution should operate, and wrangles are also developing over who should be in charge of the government structure as well as what domestic and foreign policies should be put in place in order to benefit the people. Nonetheless, the Republican Party has what it takes to move the country forward. The party is determined to see that people serve in the public office to ensure the economy favors the majority and to find a political stand geared towards a brighter future.
All persons are eligible to hold public office irrespective of their position in the society. The elite in the society is not any special from the common people by which as long a person is well educated and adequately informed they can run the government without difficulties (Sharp, 2010). The Federal party believes the elite men are benevolent and they fit in public office since they care about the people’s interest as compared to the common people who will only focus on their interests and passions (Barlowe, 2011). Therefore the move to accommodate this special group is aimed at creating an environment that will harness the people’s interest and enhance development.
On the other hand, the Republican Party is against the idea that the elite people should be taking control of government claiming that even though man is not born being perfect, common people do not deserve to be segregated since they are just as important as the elite in the society (Sharp, 2010). When a man is educated, their mental ability improves, and they get to differentiate between what is right and wrong, hence any sane person will only do things that work for the common good of the society. Presidential aspirant Thomas Jefferson and other Republicans insist that as long the ordinary men are exposed to the knowledge they have the power to use good sense and so their judgment should not be overlooked by anyone (Barlowe, 2011). Jefferson has challenged the Federalists saying that their opinion is not valid because if it were not for education there would be no morals, and even the elite society will not be in existence. In this case, Jefferson understands the nature of a common man and his idea of advocating for the educated men to serve in the public office is going to work to his advantage in the coming election.
The government should allow its citizens to engage in their desired enterprises. People deserve a decentralized economy that encourages agriculture where th...
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