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Human Rights in the News: Racial Freedom and Lack Thereof in 2020

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Human Rights in the News
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Human Rights in the News
Racial Freedom and Lack Thereof in 2020
Historical perspectives about inequalities and human rights have been rampant since human beings are different in various ways, ranging from ancestry, economic status, and physical complexion. The concept of race has been explored exponentially, and it is deemed a fluid social construct that distinguishes human beings based on phenotypical traits placing them in specific categories. Racism is a violation of human rights, and it takes many forms where individuals are subjected to prejudice and discrimination due to skin color, national origin, and ethnic background. Adverse effects such as acts of harassment, exclusion from activities are common where racism prevails due to peoples’ actions and attitudes. Therefore, racism poses a barrier to equality and inclusivity due to egalitarian principles imposed on specific ethnic groups. The fight against racism continues in society in an attempt to promote equity and cease oppression. Some instances, such as discrimination of African Americans by white supremacists, have led to the demise and public protests and unrest in an attempt to end the violation of human rights because of racial differences (Vice News, 2020).
The Murder of Emmet Till is a historical phenomenon on how racism prevailed and resulted in the death of an innocent African American teenager. Till was kidnapped, battered, and brutally murdered. His body was found in the river due to accusations of allegedly whistling at a white woman in a store, interpreted as making advances at the woman. The turn of events sparked the African Americans in the area to take a stand and advocate civil rights to end racial discrimination. Compensation and justice were denied during trials when the white men who were involved in the murder got away with it and continued to live in freedom. Indeed, it was painful and traumatizing for the family to lose a child, and denied justice made matters worse since they felt like second-class citizens. As a reaction to Emmett Till’s murder, the civil rights movements became more active and actions such as “The Montgomery Bus Boycotts” followed in 1955, where black people refused to give up their seats to whites. Boycott movements led by Martin Luther King Jr. erupted to end racial segregation (Vick, 2020).
The March of Washington and the Civil Rights Act was an iconic moment in the history of African Americans in a peaceful assembly to demand justice equality for all citizens. It was an expression of democracy and not a criticism as it pushed for racial reforms in a non-violent manner. The legendary speech by Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized a future generation where racial segregation would come to an end, and more emphasis would be laid on individual character rather than their skin color. The movement efforts were not in vain since the Civil Rights Act outlawed racial discrimination in facilities such as restaurants, schools, and public facilities (Vick, 2020). Often, jobs and education were biased to favor whites and discriminate against black people. This movement greatly affected how Americans viewed racial equality and intolerance of justice.
The Harlem Renaissance was a significant milestone in history led by author Langston Hughes to transform African American immigrants’ identity and sense of belonging to New York. The migration was prompted by the African American dream and the desire to fully participate in the American society despite white supremacist laws that led to exploitation and segregation (...
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