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Was the Civil War Inevitable?

Essay Instructions:

Your discussion for this essay will be based on the following readings and map analysis. Use the information that you gather to support your argument/position. The questions in each section will assist you in understanding the content and to prepare for the essay.

Review and identify relevant sections of Chapter 15 of the textbook.

Read John C. Calhoun's last speech written during the great debate over the Compromise of 1850.

Note that at one part of his speech Calhoun claims that the Union is in danger, stating "That the immediate cause is the almost universal discontent which pervades all of the States composing the southern section of the Union...” What evidence have you found in the readings and maps to support or refute his claim?

Study the Kansas Nebraska Act map .

Consider these questions when you analyze the document and map:

What fears does Calhoun express regarding the future status of the South in the Union?

According to Calhoun, what choices do the Southern states have?

After studying the map and the events described in "Bleeding Kansas", what evidence do you find to support or refute Calhoun's statements?

Read Lincoln's speech titled "A House Divided,". The introduction which begins with the often quoted proverb from the Bible can be read in Chapter 15 of the textbook. As you read the speech consider the following questions:

What argument is Lincoln presenting in his introduction?

How does he support his argument in the speech?

Compare Lincoln's arguments in his speech to Calhoun's arguments. Identify similarities and differences.

Review the Chapter 15 section titled Secession, and closely examine the Secession map which is also available at this link. Consider the following questions when you analyze the map and write your essay:

Note the order in which the first states seceded from the Union, and which state-led the process. What conclusion(s) can be reached from this information?

Note the state of Virginia. What did the western section decide to do?

Note the states which did not secede immediately. What factors may have influenced their decision to wait and then secede?

Note the slave states that did not secede. What factors may have influenced their decision?

Does the pattern of secession support or refute Calhoun’s argument?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Was the Civil War Inevitable?
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December 5, 2021
Understanding the history and dynamics of the Civil War is important for any student. It allows them to have a better analysis and comprehension of the events that led, transpired, and ended one of the most significant events in the history of United States. Accordingly, this article would focus on some of the pieces of evidence that shows that the Civil War was indeed inevitable, such as the rising tension between key actors, the critical mass of the oppressed, and other circumstances that suggested the same. All in all, it is the author’s belief that the Civil War was indeed Inevitable because of the concurrence of various social, political, and even ideological events that happened back then.
The Civil War
One of the main pieces of evidence that signified the inevitability of the Civil War was John Calhoun’s Last Speech written during the Great Debate over the Compromise of 1850. During those times the increasing rift between the North and the South was emphasized by the increasing discontent of the “Southern Section of the Union” against the policies and paradigms that were adopted by the North. Specifically, this debate stemmed from the time when both the North and the South have clashed over various aspects such as the extent of the power of the federal government, slavery, economy of the states, and even cultural values, among others. However, while a perusal of history have shown that the ‘abolition of slavery’ was the nobler cause, doing so would be prejudicial towards the Southern States who have significantly lower resources and means of production compared to the Northern states. The basic reality back then was that by abolishing slavery, the poorer South would have suffered because it was their main source of livelihood. In other words, the inevitability of the Civil War back then stemmed from the inability (and possibly, the ‘improbability’) of the states to reach a proper compromise as emphasized in Calhoun’s speech.
Another important evidence that led to the conclusion that the Civil War was inevitable was the legislative enactments that were passed by Congress, without giving much thought on the difference of the situations and realities of the Nor...
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