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Ho Chi Minh City and the Communist Party

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This is a short paper about Ho Chi Ming, you need to read four documents to write this paper. The instructions will be provided in the attachment file.

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The document under discussion is a congressional report tabled in the fifth congressional conference of the Communist Party International. The document seems to originate from the previous works of Ho Chi Minh. This is clearly indicated on the document header. The source of the document is from "Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh Vol. 1". The report has a well-defined author, Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh created this report on the 8th of July 1924 prior to tabling it at the Communist International conference. The intended audience of this report is the Communist International membership. In his report, Ho Chi Minh addresses certain factors that he feels are not properly addressed in the Communist wing. In the report, he also proposes amendments to certain policies and ideologies, especially those geared at combating and repressing colonialism. Therefore, the author creates the document in order to highlight certain issues that should be addressed if the Communist Party worldwide is to convince potential recruits into the party.
Ho Chi Minh's report describes six major themes in the colonial times. These themes touch on people's lifestyles, historical events, economic status, legal, general beliefs, and governmental affairs. For example, on lifestyle issues, it is possible to note that there is general suppression of common people. Ho Chi Minh touches on this aspect or theme when he points to full-scale exploitation of the natives in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco (Minh, 1924). He notes that the French capitalists have driven out the natives of these countries from their productive and arable tracts of land, and taken them into arid and mountainous regions. On governmental affairs, Ho Chi Minh points out to the use of state machinery and administrative functions by the colonialism-oriented imperialists and capitalists.
The capitalists are portrayed as strong, advocating for a maximum use of state functions in generating intense propaganda. Such propaganda is meant to convince and make their intentions "good" in carrying on with colonialism. The state functions employed focus on the use of media, especially newspapers, films, speeches, and exhibitions in order to convince the people to support their colonialist outlook and cause. However, the Communist wing is left without the necessary support to educate the masses on the significance of their ideologies, specifically anti-colonialism policies and ideologies. On historical events, Ho Chi Minh clearly outlines the effects colonialism has brought to natives of colonized countries. For example, he cites historical figures of injustice. He describes the French capitalists as the most ruthless colonial regime, especially in the Moroccan context.
From 1913, the French capitalists took advantage of the Moroccan natives. From the same year, they robbed from the natives approximately 12,000 hectares of land - arable land meant for farming. Every year since then, the capi...
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